Chapter 6: Is Yoga good

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Welcome back to Sandman everyone I'm glad your all enjoying the story :) I will have a lot of music for this story later on so at the end of the book there will be a playlist, also the above video is this book's theme song I'm trying to have a trailer made now loving anime has never been so tough. Anyway Please remember to VOTE and COMMENT it really means a lot and I like chatting with you guys in the comments. XOXO BUTTERBALL.

This Chapter is dedicated to authorcat14 a good friend and a wonderful author :)


When I screamed Nathan was the first one over to me before Coach Paul, while the other guys just gave me a weird look.  "Are you okay, Sam?" Nathan asked.

I glanced carefully at my shadow to see that it was normal, no smirking, no talking it was normal. It was me again.

"Samantha, are you alright?" Coach Paul asked me slowly as he gave me a slight shake by the shoulder since I hadn't answered Nathan the first time.

I let out a shaky chuckle, "I felt really dizzy, so I reached for my bookbag so I could go to the nurse and lay down for a little bit when I saw this really weird looking bug," I lied. I had lied to my mom sometimes about my insomnia, just because I didn't want her to worry at the time and I guess it was paying off.

Beside me Nathan let out a sigh I saw his eyes land on my sketch nearby and he frowned. "Nathan, take her to the nurse's office and stay with her. Mrs. Gordon is here because there are a lot freshman here trying to show off too many times," Coach Paul told him.

Nathan nodded and after we gathered up both of our things we walked down to the nurse's office. "You were lying weren't you, Sam?"

I tried not to look at him so he wouldn't see how I was trying to look anywhere but him. "What?" I asked softly.

"Sam, I know you. You don't scream when you see any bug ever, and you also don't just drop your gaming console especially on a hardwood floor. I did that one time to your controller and you yelled at me for good five minutes on how to treat gaming equipment," he said.

I bit my lip but stayed silent as I looked down at my feet. Nathan patted my head, "I won't ask you about it anymore, okay. When you want to talk about just tell me."

One thing about Nathan was that when I didn't want to talk about something he didn't push the question, but since I had a bad habit of procrastinating that usually meant I went to Nathan when I was on the verge of a breakdown and of course he yelled at me for it.

"Well then let's start walking home because there is no way I'm going to the nurse's office. I hate school nurses," I sighed.

"Does this have to do with that thing in elementary school?" He asked me.

I looked at him in shock, "I had a headache and she gave me an ice pack!" I exclaimed.

Nathan let out a small snicker as he held the front door open for me. "Oh yeah, she did try to fix everything by giving out ice packs she would make a good female sports coach," he said amused.

I rolled my eyes, "And you wonder why I don't enjoy sports or exercising, I'm lazy."

He chuckled and looked at me as we walked down the sidewalk from, Caesar Rodney High school. "Sam, you're not lazy if anything you're actually more active than a lot of people think you are, video games have their own statewide competitions just like any sport and it's something you love. Plus you play a lot of video games and I mean a lot," Nathan told me.

I smiled at Nathan, "Thanks but I don't think I'll be entering any competitions soon."

Nathan and I stopped by Witt. brothers which were a small family own store in town.

"I don't understand how you and your mom eat that stuff, by the way, I need to stop Walmart," Nathan said as he opened the can of soda he bought.

"My dad says the same thing you know but honestly prosciutto is just dried and cured ham, while pasta fiesta is just pasta salad with olive oil and seasoning," I told him.

"But sure, we can go to Walmart it's only ten minutes away, what do you need to get?" I asked.

However, Nathan didn't answer me. I frowned, "Nathan, I asked you what do you need to get?"

He let out a sigh and I saw him grit his teeth slightly, "I need to get DVD," he told me quickly.

I blinked slowly, not really sure I heard him right at first. "What?"

"Dammit, Sam. I need to get another yoga DVD," he muttered.

I tried really hard not to laugh, I really did and the truth is I didn't I closed my mouth before I started laughing and ended up making this really weird, squeaky, giggling noise. Nathan watched me calmy.

I finally cleared my throat, "I didn't know you liked yoga," I said cheerfully.

Nathan sighed and rolled his eyes, "I don't. If anything I think it's ridiculous, but over the years I found it's good for gymnastics so I don't have a choice," he told me.

I was even more tired when we got to Walmart but that's only because all that walking will tire you out quickly if you're not used it. As Nathan read the backs of the DVDs in the aisle, I leaned back against the shelves next to him exhausted. I didn't even jump when my phone let out a small ping to let me know that I got a notification, I took it out of my pocket to see a text from my mom.

Mom: Are you on your way home? Also, did you stop by Witt. Brothers? Also, your therapist appointment is Thursday, I made sure to tell her that you needed a refill.

I smiled and slowly began texting my mom back. "What are you doing?" Nathan asked me.

"Telling my mom that we're on our way home, what we're doing, and where we are," I told him.

I saw him begin to blush slightly, "Don't tell her what we're doing," he hissed.

I looked frowned, "Nathan you're overreacting as much as when my dad checks up on us," I told him.

"I definitely am not the thing with your dad is way worse," he answered quickly.

I finished typing out my message then turned to Nathan, "Will you spell check my message I'm too tired and I'm pretty sure messed up somewhere," I said handing him my phone.

Nathan took it and looked the message over before handing it back to me, "It looks fine to me."

I sent the message to my mom and a moment later she texts me back.

Mom: Alright, hurry home soon though I really worry about you when your insomnia starts acting up. I love you too, honey.

The message put a slight smile on my face, my mom always worried when my insomnia started acting up badly.

I shouldn't tell her about my hallucinations it would cause her too much stress.

The moment I got home I placed the food I got from Witt. Brothers in the kitchen. My mom was in the living room watching TV but looked up when I walked in. I gave her a hug, "Hi mom, I'm going upstairs to do a bit of my homework then I'm gonna take a nap for a bit," I told her.

"Alright honey, just try and get some rest."

I smiled slightly, "I will mom, I will."

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