Chapter 11: Star Road

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Welcome back to Sandman everyone I'm glad you're enjoying this story, I have another story kind of like this one called Sweet Violence which explores the love between two sociopaths if you like Dexter you'll like it trust me. Anyway please remember to VOTE and COMMENT it means a lot to me plus I like chatting with you guys in the comments. XOXO BUTTERBALL


I was dreading school, it wasn't because I had a test, it wasn't because I still had a substitute teacher for one of my classes. It was because I didn't know how to face who was suppose to be my best friend of sixteen years, I understood that he had reasons for lying to me or else he wouldn't have done it but that didn't make the truth of it all hurt any less.

I let out a sigh as I turned the combination lock on my locker.

"You didn't get any sleep did you, Sam?"  I froze as I glanced up at Nathan. He was calmly opening his locker, but I noticed that he looked a little tired himself.

"I couldn't I was worried about you-know-who coming and getting me in my dreams, so I didn't take any of my sleeping pills," I mumbled as I quickly looked away from him.

Nathan let out a sigh, he sounded relieved, "That's good. Listen, Sam, if you happen to fall asleep in class, don't talk to him. I know you don't trust me right now, and I know you're angry but at least trust me when I say that I know, Theo. He's a master manipulator if you talk to him long enough and he finds out even one of your fears he'll make you want to sell your soul to the devil," he told me.

I frowned looking down at my feet then I looked up at Nathan, "And what are you?" I asked him softly.

He smiled slightly but it didn't have any happiness in it, "I just put people to sleep, Sam. I'll tell you more whenever your ready," he said gently. Nathan reached out to ruffle my hair but caught himself right before he did.

"Bye, Sam try not to fall asleep in class," he told me.

I frowned but waved goodbye to him. When I got to my American Literature class the substitute teacher was on her laptop this time.

Seriously? That's just trading one electronic in for another.

Victoria turned to me when I sat down behind her, "Oh my god, Sam are you okay? You look awful," she gasped.

I chuckled, "Just the opposite actually I haven't been sleeping much," I told her.

Victoria bit her lip for a second before she reached into her desk and took out a single piece of paper. She used her pen to scribble something down on it before handing the paper to me.

I looked at it to see a phone number, "What is this for?" I asked her.

She smiled, "It's in case you need someone to talk to you know like girl talk or something," she told me smiling. I smiled as I folded the piece of paper up and placed it in my pocket.

"Thank you Victoria, I'll try calling you sometime," I said.

"Oh shit, I forgot there was a test today," the substitute said as she got up.

How in the hell does the teacher forget that they gave the students a test?!

I stared at the teacher in shock as she began handing out the test. "Now, ya'll kids know the rules to taking a test right? No cheating and all that good stuff right?" She asked.

"Yes Ma'am," Everyone including myself answered her back.

"That's very good you can begin," the teacher told us.

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