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Crystonia- Land of the nine crystal pillars. It's ruler is the Yad and his Nomi. It consist of nine provinces ruled by a Lis or a Sul.

Regia- Palace, castle. Home to the royal family, located in the center fraction, Elvianca.

Yad- King of Crystonia (must be the eldest son of the former king), responsible for all of Crestonia.

Nomi- Queen of Crystonia, responsible for assisting the Yad.

Sul- Prince, legitimate son of the Yad and Nomi, rules a certain tier according to birth rank.

Lis- Princess, legitimate son of the Yad and Nomi, rules a certain tier according to birth rank.

Antersuls- former Suls, brothers of the Yad. After retiring from being a ruler of a tier, the Antersuls become the body of the Judicial Sector of Crystonia, they have jurisdiction over the civil and criminal cases of the land.

Anterlises- former Lises, sisters of the Yad. After retiring from being a ruler of a tier, the Anterlises are assigned on medical cases. They have the power to heal people's diseases and wounds.

Tiers- Provinces in Crystonia, each has a specific specialization:

-Tier Elvianca- center fraction. These is the part where the Regia is located. The Antersuls and Anterlises with their family also lives here. No common people live here, all are royal blood. The servants are sent home after work. And the security is composed of the royal guard (the relatives of the royal family, sons and daughters of the antersuls and anterlises.) It specializes in jurisdiction and medication.

-Tier Abragntale- northern fraction. The military of all Crystonia is trained here, even the royal guards. Children are not allowed to enter this area because of the dangerous trainings being done here. Only those who are 16 years old above and are willing to commit to military service are allowed to enter and live there.

-Tier Crinal- southern fraction. Since the Crysos are known for their independency. Children at the age of 5 are sent here to study until they finish their ten years of lower education. Year levels: Primeraño, segundaño, terceraño, cuartaño, quintaño, sextusaño, septimaño, octavaño, novenaño, and decimaño. Only the students and the teachers are allowed here. The students will be sent home during non-school days to their parents.

-Tier Olboc- eastern fraction. After graduating from the lower education sector, the students are asked whether they want to  proceed to higher education or not. There are only 5 year levels for higher education: Level 1, level 2, level 3, level 4, and level 5. Just like Crinal, only students and professors are allowed to reside the area. The students will also be sent home during non school days to their parents.

-Tier Mencar- western fraction. Because of the fine part of land it possess, it is considered as the center of agriculture of Crystonia. This area supplies food to the whole land. Unlike Elvianca; Abragntale; Crinal; and Olboc, there is no strict rule for the residents here. But most of the people's livelihood is connected to farming. Residential area.

-Tier Suokan- northeastern fraction. The area for research and technology. Technological advances and scientific studies are done here. It is also a residential area, but mostly, scientists and their family lives here.

-Tier Gajan- northwestern fraction. This is the center of entertainment for all Crystonia. Many talented people dwell in this part of the land. All entertainment shows here are being broadcast to the whole of Crystonia. It is also a residential land.

-Tier Miodia- southeastern fraction. It is the nature park of Crystonia. It has cleanest and well-preserved environment in the land. Retirees and senior citizens visit here for relaxation due to their deteriorting health. The cemetery is also located at the back portion of the land. Their cemetery looks more like a garden since they plant flowers to cover the grave.

-Tier Sipra- southwestern fraction. Though the jurisdiction comes from Elvianca, the prison is located in Sipra. It is far from all civilization. It is a remote area where a big scale mining site is located. Those who are imprisoned here work at the mines to send money to their families even if they are behind the bars. The duration of the imprisonment depends on the person's case.

Cryso- People of Crystonia:

Elvi- residents of Elvianca

Abra- residents of Abragntale

Crin- residents of Crinal

Ol- residents of Olboc

Mec- residents of Mencar

Sun- residents of Suokan

Gan- residents of Gajan

Midi- residents of Miodia

Sia- residents of Sipra

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