One Tree Hill & Random Numbers

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This is Bianca. She is played by Janice Ellis, or Jessica, whichever twin you want. Please tell me someone remembers the twins from suite life of Zack & Cody, because she is one of them. Lmao that was my show.

Sorry its blurry, I had to crop a picture to get this final picture.

I'm at home sick so its the perfect opportunity to write a chapter.

I feel like I'm updating too fast for the amount of reads I'm getting.


I'm shoved to the side as the door swings open to reveal a familiar face.

Alec. Of course its Alec you idiot. Who else calls you princess?

My breathing is still heavy but I don't feel like I'm dying as much as I did before.

"SHORTY! Oh you're ok. Were you crying?" He asks quickly.

No my eyes were, and still are, sweating.

I look up at him.

"Oh you were. I knew it. Why are you breathing so hard? Don't listen to Brittany, she's stupid." He says, again really quickly.

Christ slow down, Speedy Gonzales.

He sits next to me and wraps his arms around me comfortingly.

My panic attack diminishes almost immediately. Weird. I silently cry for a few minutes, wrapped in his arms. Its weird that I feel secure with this guy who is basically a stranger. I only met him two days ago.

After realizing that, I jump up quickly. I can't make him curious about my actions.

"I'm fine!" I say, practically shout, as I look down at a confused Alec.

"Well your tears beg to differ," he comments.

I narrow my eyes and open the door, well I attempt to, because Alec's rock hard body is still propped in front of it.

Alec shifts to the side, still looking very confused.

I quickly go to my next class. I'll be late, but hopefully I don't get a detention.

"Detention," Ms. Stiffner says, not even looking up from the papers on her desk.

Dammit. Stupid old hag.

Alec's POV

"What the hell?" I say aloud, getting up from my spot on the floor or the girls bathroom.

I'm confused as fuck.

What just happened?

First I'm chasing Sasha through the halls, then I come to see her crying and breathing like she ran a marathon.

I tried to comfort her. I panicked seeing her crying and gasping for air.

Holy shit. Was she having a panic attack?

Why would she have a panic attack? Seeing her like that made me feel... Angry? Why would I be angry?

The real question is what happened to her to make her panic like that.

And Brittany called her "tramp stamp." What the hell does that mean? Its not like I've looked at her ass, well I have, but she was wearing pants. I couldn't see if she had a "tramp stamp," but she doesn't seem like the person to have one.

This girl is really confusing, and she's hiding something, something that I'm determined to find out.

Sasha's POV

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