Part 2//Pizza Place

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It hadn't always been my dream to travel and see new things, but a couple years ago when my ex boyfriend Zayn cheated on me , depression took over for awhile. After I was finally able to find myself again, i was  influenced, well no, I was determined to try something new and get the hell out of the place that held so many painful memories.

So I packed up my stuff, found an apartment by looking online and booked a flight out of California.

My family and friends understood that I needed a fresh start since it had been 2 years since the breakup. I was finally over him and the pain he caused and ready to move on. I wanted to find someone I could love and trust again.

I guess to some degree I owe Zayn, because if he had never cheated on me, I wouldn't be as strong of a person as I am today, I wouldn't have gone to college and got my dream job and I certainly would have thought the idea of packing up and moving out of the country was irrational, but now I see it as the best opportunity I've ever had.

My college degree is in management, so I shouldn't have many troubles with finding a job doing what I love. I find that helping people to succeed doing something that they've always dreamed of is an amazing thing.

As I walked down the street I found my way to my apartment and opened the door for the very first time.

The view I could see out the window from where I stood was breath taking. It overlooked Sydney.  It was night fall so the lights of all the businesses and streets lit up made tears come to my eyes.

Why couldn't I have come here sooner!? I looked down to the scars on my wrists.

Maybe it could have saved me from this

I went into the kitchen where the counter tops were marble and all the appliances were updated stainless steel.

The cub-bards were a red oak with intricate designs carved onto the steel handles.

I opened them, this was a brand new building so the boards still smelled like fresh oak.

I twirled around the house on the shined hard wood flooring.

This place was absolutely perfect!

The only reason I was able to afford this place was due to the job that I had back home. I worked for a big managing company who sent people all over the world to manage places, let it be people or businesses.

Well i was the Vice President of that company.

Although I made about $300,000 a year and I had already paid my student loans I decided I didn't need that job to survive. I had hundreds of thousands of dollars saved in my bank account.

So I packed up my shît and quit. The money wasn't worth my misery. It's not that I hated what I did, it's that I hated most of my employes. They were stuck up asśholes who never had to work for anything that they had.

One of the girls even married a millionaire who was 20 years older than her.

Talk about gold digger

I snapped back into reality when I felt my stomach growling. I forgot that I hadn't eaten since I arrived at the airport this morning.

I grabbed my light jacket since it was a cool summer night and took the elevator down 9 floors to the lobby.

When the door opened I smelled something that I hadn't when I first walked in. I looked around to find the reason for the smell. My eyes widened as I saw there was a pizza place right across the street from my building.

I think I was definitely going to like it here.

HELLLO PEEPS! So welcome to the start of my fanfic ;) the updates will get longer as more parts are being added so don't worry about length. Oh and it will always be in Baileys p.o.v unless said otherwise! Anywayss I hope u guys like it, and it would be great if y'all could hit that star button and vote for me ! Who wants to help me promote this story?! Lol Kay byee loves

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