Part 4//Together Again

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I stopped in front of my building and looked around.

It was a beautiful night out so I sat down on a bench and looked up at the clear sky that just set.

I closed my eyes and listened to the sound of cars and people passing by.
It was peaceful, startled, I sucked in a breath when I felt someone sit down next to me.

He chuckled "didn't mean to scare you sorry." He had a british accent which was weird because I was in Australia.

I laughed "it's okay I just wasn't expecting someone to sit with me."

I didn't really look up at him till now, but when I did I jumped out of my seat, it couldn't be him!

My best friend that I haven't seen in a couple years was right here sitting next to me!!

"Ed!" I screamed, jumping into his arms in an embrace.

He chuckled and squeezed me tight as I felt tears running down my cheeks. I had missed him so much.
I sat back and he ran his thumbs up over my face to wipe away the tears.

"What are you doing here?" I exclaimed, still in shock.

"I'm here for a show, I've been on tour for awhile!" Ed tells me

I bring Ed in for another hug

"Omg I'm honestly so proud of you!!

It's been too long since I've talked to
you. I mean I follow you on social media just so I can see what's going on in your life, but it's just not the same!" I explain

"I know, I know. But I'm here for a little now and that's what matters." He says

"Exactly, but Ed, how did you know how to find me?" I ask slightly confused

"I saw your Twitter post about how you were moving here, and then I saw the pic of you in front of your building and I figured I might as well call around and see where you were at." Ed says with no shame

"Leave it up to you to completely stalk me!" I squeal laughing hard.

"Hey!! It's not stalking! It's just a little detective work!" Ed says crossing his arms with a pout on his face.

I roll my eyes and laugh, leaning sideways to bump my shoulder against his.

I felt happy and calm every time Ed and I were together. Most people see us and think that we are in love with each other but that's not the case at all. I love Ed but not in the sappy way. He's basically like a brother to me. We care about each other and would die for each other. He's the only family I have left.

I stand up and offer Ed my hand, which he happily takes into his warm hand. I lead him back up to my apartment so we could talk more privately about things going on in our lives.

I put kettle of water on the stoves burner to heat it up so we can have tea. I sit back down and just smile at Ed, feeling very overwhelmed with joy.

I moved over putting my hand on his leg. It has been years since I felt this way. It wasn't a feeling of being in love, it was a feeling of being reunited with someone you love.

Important people in my life tended to leave when I needed them the most. Ed was different though, he had always been the one that never left my side no matter how hard things got. He was my rock the day my parents died.  I still remember running through the streets in the pouring rain looking for a place to go. I didn't know what was going to happen to me but when I stopped in front of Ed's house and he took me in without any questions, just by seeing the tears streaming down my face he knew at that moment when he let me in the door nothing could ever separate the bond that we had.

My brother was gone, well not gone at least just very lost in his mind, lost in thoughts.

I became an orphan, at 13. Overtime I began hanging out with the wrong people and doing stupid things and becoming more depressed as time went on. I was just as lost as my brother had been. My mind was somewhere in space and I fought sleepless nights by drinking till the blackness overcame my body, but it still didn't drown out the pain.

Every night Ed was there, making sure I didn't sleep with random guys and give away the only thing about myself i still wanted to keep, my virginity. I could be a fuck up, but I sure as hell wasn't going to be labeled as a slut.

Each morning I woke up in the arms of my best friend because each night he carried my drunk and careless ass out of parties and bars and back to his house so he knew I was safe.

For some reason I wanted to keep my grades up, and actually graduate, something my parents never did. You see, I would tell you about my parents but even after 21 years on this earth it's still a sore subject for me to talk about.  I only ever allowed three people to get close to me and know the true story about me. Those three amazing people are Ed, Lena and Nina. 

It was great to know that the man sitting beside me hadn't forgotten about me after all these years, it was good to know he still cares and wanted me to stay in his life.

All these feelings of joy have come and since started to subside and feelings of regret and despair have washed over me. Years ago Ed wanted me to come with him once he started to make it in the music industry. He begged me to but I wouldn't go because I was in love with Zayn at the time.. Ed probably could've saved me from a lot of things but I was naive. I thought Ed was better off without me, I no longer drank every night, I was going to college and had finally started to move on from all the pain I had once felt. But Ed left, and things went downhill from there.  I didn't bother to contact Ed because I could no longer be the burden in his life that kept him from fully reaching his dreams. Maybe if i had gone with him in the first place he could have been my knight, my savior, but now I would never know.

HIIIII ok i have finally updated and I am super sorry for the wait!! I ended up with a concussion shortly after I told you guys I would be updating soon. That set me back longer than I thought it would and i am sorry for that.  I tried to make this part interesting and sort of tie in some events that WILL be explained later on in the book. Thanks for being patient and OMG HAVE YOU GUYS HEARD 'HEY EVERYBODY' IT HONESTLY MAKES ME SO HAPPY AND THE BOYS MAKE ME SO HAPPY and ok i'm done now. Make sure you've pre-ordered "Sounds Good Feels Good" because that is coming out v v soon and i'm already hyped. Alright i love you all and plz hit that follow for me on twitter @NerdyIrwin18 #WorldMentalHealthDay If anyone ever needs to talk about anything feel free to message me at anytime!

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