11: Goodbye Charming Castle!

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"Rise and shine, Darling and Annie!" My dad announced, flipping on the lights before the sun had even come up and waking the two of us up.

"Whyyyyyyyyyyy," I groaned, throwing a pillow towards the door where I assumed he was, and hard.

"Today is your first day at Ever After High!" THE. WORDS. I'VE. BEEN. DYING. TO. HEAR. MY. WHOLE. LIFE!

"But it's six AM," Annie complained, rolling over in the guest bed they'd placed in my room for Annie.

See, I don't exactly trust Annie to be by herself with no guidance in my family's castle. She could get lost and never be seen again.

"Then you'd better get moving! You've got to pack and be ready by 8:00!" My dad said, then backed out the room and continued down the hall.

Before even hearing these words, I was up out of bed and picking out something to wear already. Annie hadn't even gotten up by the time I packed my entire closet into a few suitcases.

"How are you so energized? I feel like I can fall on the floor and sleep for eternity still," Annie groaned, rolling over in bed until she rolled onto the floor. "Ow."

"WE'RE GOING TO EVER AFTER HIGH AREN'T YOU EXCITED?" I shouted, bouncing around the room and packing practically everything in sight.


Two hours later, a dressed Annie followed me to the transportation well as I carried as many of my suitcases and bags as I could. Even though I'd insisted on moving everything myself, the servants still helped me with my stuff. I can't wait until I'm at boarding school and this doesn't happen anymore. I can't wait to be independent.

"I'm tiiiiireeeed," Annie whined. I thought always-excited-Annie would be more interested in a new school. I guess she's just seriously distracted by sleep deprivation.

I dropped a whole bunch of my bags into the well and then programmed the well using my phone to take me to Ever After High. The well has been used quite a lot in the past few days, at least 30 times since my brothers last used it to get to Ever After High, though it was only a few moments ago. Surprisingly enough, I'm excited to see my brothers again. It's boring when they're not around the house, and I'm used to having them around.

"Jump in," I said, doing so myself.

Annie groaned in response and didn't even move.

I climbed back out of the well, dragged her by the arm to the well and then waved bye to my mom, who was now standing by the door waving to me with tears in her eyes.

It really wasn't that big a step. It's just public high school. Okay, I see her point.

Then the well was transporting us in a wet and cold yet dry and weightless way to the well out front at Ever After High.

Of course I've been there before, my dad works there. I've just never been to school there until now.

My dad was waiting for us on the front steps of the building.

Some random servants from who knows where that were no doubt my dad's idea started transporting our stuff to our dorm room I assume.

The crazy ride in the well seemed to have shaken Annie up, and probably in a good way since she was now much more awake and aware. She followed me as I bounded up the steps excitedly to meet my dad.

"Okay, girls, your first day. Classes don't start for another fifteen minutes, so you'll get a chance to check out your dorms quick. Later on during lunch I've arranged for some students to show you around and help you with your lockers. Here's the keys to your dorms, you can find them on the seventh floor. The numbers are right there on those cards. These are your schedules so far, but where there is a missing class you will need to go to your counselor to pick one. Each student gets to pick one of their classes. I'll see you girls later to check in," Dad explained a lot in a short amount of time.

"Wait, dorms, you mean we're not sharing a dorm?" I called down the hall, as my dad was already rushing to the hero training class outside he was teaching starting in fifteen minutes.

"Go to the dorms and see!" He called back in what sounded like a TV game show announcer voice, like I'd just won a prize.

Annie and I shrugged at each other, then started the many-flights-of-stairs journey to the seventh floor.

Annie's dorm number was next to mine, but we weren't sharing. I was still confused as to why, but I didn't say anything as I turned the key and opened the door.

"SURPRISE!" Bella shouted when I stepped into the room.

"Bella? Oh my godmother yay!" I shrieked as I ran to her to give her a hug. "It's just like how we imagined it! Wait, so who's Annie rooming with?"

Bella beckoned to the large door in the front left corner of the room. I twisted the doorknob, and Annie was on the other side.

"Look who it is!" She chirped, gesturing to, none other than, Ailie. The odd squad's back together.

A warning bell sounded. I've heard it before, so I know it means we have five minutes.

"Guys, maybe we should get moving, that's the five minute warning!" I alerted. I looped the strap of my purse over my arm and grabbed the binder full of info and paper that my dad gave me and marched to the door. My friends all picked up their purses and binders and we all shuffled out the door on our way to our first class.

"We're all princesses, we should have similar classes. Do you all have princessology first?" Bella asked.

We established we'd all be going to the same first period class, which is on the second floor.

Once we were on that floor, I saw a familiar figure with bright blue eyes and headphones in his ears.

I stopped to double check if that was who I thought it was but my friends were moving fast and the one minute warning sounded. Bella began dragging me down the hallway and shoved me in the classroom just in time.

We sat in seats along the back row that were unoccupied, and while the teacher took attendance, I leaned over and whispered to Bella, "was that Luke?"

Bella shrugged, and we waited to hear our names to make sure we got marked as here.

First period and I'm already all screwed up.

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