18. What Happens When You Speak Before You Think

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I was lounging around in the back of the Princessology classroom while our teacher Her Highness the White Queen droned on and on about the correct way to dress for a ball. It was a wonder I was still awake. For most of the period, while I probably should have been notetaking for the sake of my test grade, I'd been absentmindedly thinking up a half a million places to hide weapons in a ballgown attire, Godmother forbid the situation deemed dire enough.

In my boredom, my gaze wandered. Over in the front left corner by the window, Rosabella's lips formed a tight line as she scribbled notes on what the Queen said in her notebook. I knew that Rosabella wasn't too open about her indignant feelings for the traditional princess role, but she looked particularly pained today when the Queen mentioned the revolting corset. Giving corsets the boot was high up there on Bella's feminist agenda.

Ailie, two rows back behind Bella, was face down on the desk, her red curls creating a cloud around her head. From the steady rise and fall of Ailie's shoulders, it was pretty obvious she was taking a nap. I envied her for it. She'd get away with it too, as the bell would ring any minute and the Queen was too involved in her presentation to notice. If she didn't wake up after the bell, I planned to wake her and let her know class was over.

Annie wasn't in her usual seat to Ailie's right. She'd surely been at breakfast that morning, so she wasn't sick or sleeping, and Annie was not the class-cutting type. I'd have to figure out what was up with that too.

Ugh. Having friends is so high-maintenance.

And just as I thought it, I knew a familiar face would pop into my head. Luke. He's yet another problem I'd have to deal with at some point. I hadn't yet talked to Bella about anything I overheard. The more time I had to think about it, the more I did, and the more I decided I was better off not involving Bella in this drama. Bella should not be worried about me, or Luke. We were just fine, though I hadn't spoken to him since his "breakup".

Nothing had exactly happened between us anyway.

I didn't even know if I was the one he liked.

I must've zoned out, because I didn't hear the bell ring, but all the princesses rose from their chairs gracefully and gathered their things for their next classes, leaving quickly and quietly.

Rosabella and Ailie met up by the front board, and they were at my desk in a few seconds.

"I'm sure you've noticed Annie isn't here also," Ailie said in a hushed voice.

I nodded, not only because I was still coming out of my daze, but also because I need to shake the haze in my head away in order to do so.

"We're worried," Bella added.  She spoke to Ailie and I, but her eyes wandered elsewhere, always observant and a bit worried that someone would overhear our conversations.

Not that there was anything worth hiding anyway in this particular conversation.

"Has anyone tried contacting her?" I asked. I got up and led the way to my locker, my friends in tow.

Bella sighed. "How? She doesn't have a mirrorphone."

I cursed under my breath. I'd have to talk to my dad on the topic, and see what he can do about it.

"Maybe she met a prince," I joked, hoping to lighten the mood. Annie was probably fine. There was no way someone like herself could've gotten into trouble.

Ailie snorted, but Bella was not impressed.

At our destination, I unlocked and shoved the unused Princessology notebook into my locker, avoiding the disappointed look on Bella's face.

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