15. Rematch

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The Charming family event was almost a total bust. Almost, but not completely, and it was all because of a couple surprises.

When I met Daring and Dexter at the limo that dad sent to pick us up, Daring brought a friend with him. A friend that, thankfully, wasn't Apple White.

"Cerise Hood," I said.

"Hey," she said. This was the first time I think I'd ever seen Cerise wearing a dress.

I raised my eyebrows at Daring.

"What?" Daring asked. "Cerise is my friend." He opened up the door of the limo, and motioned for Cerise and I to enter.

"Is she your best friend?" I asked, my mind wandering as I stepped into the low vehicle.

"Yeah. Sure, I guess so," Daring responded. He and Dexter got in last and the chauffeur didn't miss any beats to get us there as fast as physically possible.

I stared out the window. I was no doubt who Luke considered his best friend. Daring considered Cerise his best friend. Daring definitely liked Cerise...

Villages full of small cottages and shops and long driveways leading to shiny castles that glittered in the distance sped past. I considered the idea of Daring in love. It seemed farfetched- but it didn't. What did I actually know about my brother, anyway?

"So, this party is going to be royally lame isn't it?" Daring asked. I had noticed him fiddling with his hands and shifting awkwardly in his seat. Daring was always itching for conversation. Silence made him feel lonely, and loneliness made Daring sad.

I wasn't just going to leave him hanging. "Yeah. Though, I thought you liked Charming parties," I said.

For some reason, Daring looked hurt. "Definitely not," he sighed. His eyes dropped to his shoes, then they glanced up to Cerise. She locked eyes with him and shrugged. I noticed Cerise was wearing wedge sneakers with her dress.

Dexter spoke up for the first time since we left. "Did I miss something? Aren't parties your scene?"

Daring was looking at his shoes again. They were clean and white as ever. "Things have changed," he almost whispered. Daring was dressed in his usual Charming-family-gathering attire, which included one of his many prep shirts and his nicest pair of jeans (which was every pair he owned). His crown still sat on his head at an awkward angle that somehow only made him look more charming. He didn't look any different.

"Daring's got a girlfrieeeeend," Cerise singsonged. What?

Daring blushed, but was quick to defend himself. "That's not why."

Dexter scratched the top of his head. "Wait, who's your girlfriend?"

"I... Can't tell you." Daring shot Cerise daggers with those steel-blue eyes. They were staring into her soul for sure. "If you were one of my dudes I'd probably punch you right now," he mumbled.

Daring is an intimidating dude.

Cerise wasn't intimidated.

She shrugged, then smirked. "I am one of your dudes. You just won't hit me 'cause I'm a girl." Cerise smiled teasingly. Her teeth were sharp, almost like a vampire's, but not as dramatic.

Daring relented. "You're right," he admitted.

"Is this the part where you hit him, or...?" I joked, laughing at my brother, and also at my own joke shamelessly.

Cerise crossed her arms over her chest. "Maybe, if I weren't so nice." She flicked her head to the side to look out the window, and the red hood she wore moved with her. Though she had turned away from Daring now, I could see that she was still smiling.

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