Chapter Five Hazel

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A/N: The chapters for this book will now be one month each. For example this will be month two because month one was basically the last four chapters. And it will be about the most important things or things that happened that month. So chapter six will be month three and so on. And I'm going to take a guess at Hazel and Augustus's age because in the book she was sixteen and he was seventeen. But in the movie she was seventeen and he was eighteen. So I am going to go with the book since it came first.

"I can't believe that it's already your big day and your only sixteen." Mom said as she did my hair. There wasn't much anyone could do to it so mom just a brushed it out. "Believe me mom. I didn't ever think I would be getting married." I said as she finished with my hair and moved on to my make-up. I had put up a fight about the make-up but I finally agreed to putting on a little since mom had said that she would only get to do this once. And she had a point about that. I wasn't planning on getting married again, even after Augustus was gone. "Well never say never." Mom said smiling. I smiled back think back to the night before. Gus had said those exact words to me.

Me: I can't believe that we are getting married tomorrow.
Augustus: And I can't wait for tomorrow to come.
Me: I never thought that I would ever get married.
Augustus: Well never say never Hazel Grace. Okay?
Me: Okay.

Minus the last part it was nearly word for word. "Hazel!" Mom called snapping her fingers int face. I blinked a couple of times before processing her words. "What?" I asked pushing her hand away. "I said that you can get up and look in the mirror now." She said and got out of my way as I stood up. I was a little wobbly at first because of the heels but I managed and pulled my cart after me. I had to admit, I looked pretty good. My dress wasn't a traditional wedding dress since both mom and I were afraid that I would trip and fall. So instead I wore a white dress that went down to the bottom of my knees. The neckline was in a comfortable place where it didn't show to much but it wasn't at my neck either. The straps were like tank top straps and they kept the dress from slipping out of place. From the waist down the dress flowed but from my torso and up it was more snug to keep things in place. And I was wearing white three inch heels. The were strap heels so mom painted my nails for the occasion. My fingernails and toenails were also white. The only thing that wasn't white was my cart. "Okay. I'm going to get the bridesmaids in here." Mom said and exited the room. I smiled and sighed. My cousins Sophie, Maria, Gina, and Marcella had agreed to be my bridesmaids. We didn't have the closest relationship be we have gotten closer since they flew down from Iowa last month to be here. I was just looking myself over in the mirror when my phone started to ring. When I walked over to it I saw that it was Augustus. "Hello." I said answering the phone. "Hello my dear wife." Augustus said emphasizing the word wife. "I'm not your wife quite yet Mr.Waters." I teased him. "Well you will be soon Mrs.Waters." Augustus said. I could practically hear him smile on the other end of the phone. "So why is it that you are calling now?" I asked curiously. "I don't think that I can wait until the wedding to talk to you. Or say that I love you. And since you have guards at your door I can't see you in the flesh." He said commenting about Marcella and Sophie. "Your not supposed to see me before the wedding anyways Augustus. It's bad luck." I said but I was still smiling. "The wedding is only in a few minutes young man. Time to say goodbye." Mom called from behind me. Then she grabbed the phone and ended the call. "Mom!" I said staring my screen that now said call ended. "It's time to get ready dear." Was all she said. "Okay mom." I replied. By this time she had gotten all of my cousins in here and lined everybody up. A few minutes later everyone started disappearing one by one. Soon it was my turn. Dad had arrived a minute before I went on and we linked arms. It was so surreal that I was getting married that it didn't seem real until I spotted Augustus. He was smiling at me and I couldn't help but smile back. I am going to marry the man I love. I thought to myself giddy.
Once we had reached the alter dad and I parted separate ways and I was in front of Augustus. Time flew by and as soon as they started the vows were done. We only had two words left too say. I do, I thought excitedly. I never thought that I would say those two words in my lifetime but here I was now about to do just that.
"Augustus Waters, do you take Hazel Grace Lancaster to be your lawfully wedded wife?" The minister asked looking at Augustus. But he was staring at me smiling. "I do." He said. My heart melted when he said those words. We were really doing this. I was getting married to Augustus Waters, then man of my dreams. "Hazel Grace Lancaster, do you take Augustus Waters to be your lawfully wedded husband?" He minister asked turning to me. My turn, I thought. I took a deep breath before saying the two words that I've always wanted to say. "I do." I finally said smiling. "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." The minister said stepping back. "Okay." I said. "Okay." Augustus replied. Then we shared our first kiss as husband and wife.
These days were going to be the best days of my life and I was going to make sure that they were the best days of Augustus's life as well.
"We did it." Augustus said. "We did it." I echoed. "What are we going to do now?" I asked as we walked off the alter. "I know what I'm going to do." Augustus said smiling. "What?" I asked with curiosity. "I'm going to have the best time of my life with my one and only love and wife." He said kissing my forehead.
This was going to be the best day of my life. And I hoped to have many more of days like this to come.

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