Chapter Six Augustus

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*Month 3*

"Hazel Grace I don't think your okay. You need to go to the hospital." I said as she threw up for the third time that morning. "Augustus I'm fine." She called out after she was done throwing up. "This has been happening for five weeks already. You need a doctor." I kept pushing. "Augustus, I promise you I'm," she was interrupted when she started to throw up again. "Come on. Your going to the doctor." I said picking up the keys. "Yeah we may need too." She finally said giving in. "Yes I know I'm right now let's get you to a doctor." I said opening the door for her. "Smart Alec." She said as she passed me. I just smiled and she couldn't help but smile back. I'm irresistible. I thought this to myself smiling.
Once inside the car Hazel had to keep her head in between her knees to keep from getting sick. "We'll be there soon Hazel Grace." I said patting one of her hands. Then we were heading to the hospital. My driving had gotten progressively better and wasn't as bad as when I first met Hazel Grace.
Ten minutes later we reached the hospital and I helped Hazel Grace out of the car. Then I helped her walk to the door. She felt weak and I knew something was wrong. She can't die, I thought. I can't lose her before I'm gone. A nurse saw me practically dragging Hazel inside and asked what was wrong. "She's been throwing up nearly every morning for the past five weeks. I'm hoping it's not her cancer acting up." I added the last part hoping that I could possibly get her in sooner and not have to wait. "Oh dear. I'll get a doctor right away." She said. Then she pressed a button and asked for Dr.Ratory. Soon she can out and introduced herself to Hazel and I. "Please follow me." She said leading us down a series of hallways. "Augustus." Hazel said just barely above a whisper. "Yes Hazel Grace?" I replied. "I think I'm pregnant." She said. I was about to reply when the doctor said for me to wait outside. Hazel pregnant? I thought to myself incredulously. The longer she was gone the more I thought about it. Am I going to be a father? Then believing fully that she was pregnant (I had looked up the symptoms on my phone. She showed all the signs) I started to wonder what it would be.
Will it be a boy or girl?
One baby? Twins? Maybe triplets?
What will we name the baby?
When will they be born?
Will I be alive long enough to get to know my child?
The last question was upsetting to even think about but I had to consider it. I wanted to be in my child's life. If I had one. Which I will since Hazel (most likely) is pregnant. "Mr.Waters?" Dr.Ratory beckoned me to come in. "Mrs.Waters." She said giving her the floor to talk. I smiled a little at her calling Hazel "Mrs.Waters". "I'm pregnant." She said smiling. "Hazel insisted that you be in here when we find out how many children there are." Our doctor said. I smiled and walked over to Hazel and she took my hand. Hazel lifted her shirt up to reveal her belly and you could see a little baby bump if you really looked for it. Then the doctor started to look for heartbeats. "Found one heartbeat." She said. A few minutes later she said, "I found another heartbeat." So we were at least having twins. We waited another few minutes before the doctor finally concluded that we were having twins. "It's too early to tell the gender but in a few you'll be able to tell." She said smiling. "Will I pass on cancer to my babies?" Hazel asked. I had been thinking of that question but I didn't want to ask it. Both of us had cancer, the chances didn't look to good. "Well as long as it's only you who has cancer your babies should be fine." Dr.Ratory said. "I also have cancer though." I spoke up. I didn't want to hear what she would say next but I knew I had too. Dr.Ratory turned around to face us, we now had her full attention. "What stage cancer do you guys have?" She asked. I explained my situation and then Hazel explained hers. "Oh no. I don't know what to tell you. But your babies, at least one of them, will have cancer. And I can't guarantee that whichever one, or both, have cancer that they will live long. They may die before they are born. Or during childbirth." Dr.Ratory told us the cold hard truth of our reality. I was close to tears and I would have been fine if Hazel hadn't started to sob. She had two babies inside of her and they may or may not make it to see the light of day. I started to let tears roll as well and leaned down to hug Hazel Grace. "I'll leave you two some privacy." Dr.Ratory said. But before she left Hazel lightly grabbed her arm. "If the babies do survive that long, when are they due?" She asked. "May 29." She replied. "Thank you." I said to her before she left. I would get about a month with our babies before I died. If they survived that long. "My Hazel Grace it will be okay. We will do everything to make sure our babies live for nine months. Then we will do even more to make sure that they survive even longer than that." I said trying to calm her down. This stress and couldn't be good for the babies. "We need to stop crying. Before we start trying to help our babies we have to believe that they have a chance. And they do have a chance. Okay?" I asked. "Okay." Hazel replied still crying a little. I pulled away from her and planted a kiss on her forehead before helping her up. "For the babies." She said putting a hand on her stomach. "Now maybe we should gather the parents and tell them the good news." I suggested emphasizing the word good. "Yeah we probably should. My mom and dad will be ecstatic to be grandparents." Hazel said smiling. "Oh believe me. Mine will too. They never thought it would happen. But guess what?" I asked her. "It happened." She said smiling. Hazel was finally realizing that we could make this work. That our children can survive through this. "Are you ready for the next nine months?" I asked as we exited the doctor's office. "As ready as I'll ever be." Hazel Grace said. We exited the hospital hand in hand. I'm going to have two lovely babies with the woman I love most. Life is good right now. Cancer and all.

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