Chapter 2 Augustus

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It was a dream come true when the doctors said I had at least one more year to live. A thousand things flew through my head at once. My parents, living, leaving a mark, and the most precious thing of all, Hazel Grace. My girl with cart, the love of my life. I could think of a million labels for Hazel Grace, but only one truly fit her and had room to fit me in comfortably. That she's mine. Me and her facing the world together forever. She is mine, even if she doesn't think the same way, she will always be mine. I will never feel the same way about another girl because I'm way to in love with my Hazel Grace. And as we were laying there I knew she felt it to. The love and sincere way she spoke her words, which made what I was about to say much harder. "Hazel Grace I have to ask you something." She lifted her head up and looked at me. I had to ask her now or I'd lose my nerve. "Do you still love me, even though I only have a little time left?" I asked the words lifting a weight off my chest. Hazel Grace looked at me confused and alarmed. "What on Earth would make you ask that question, Augustus? You know that I will love you forever." I looked in to her confused eyes and explained the situation. "Ever since the doc said I was stable enough to use my phone I've been getting these weird text from Issac. He's been saying you have been hooking up with other guys and even tried to make a move on him. Here let me show you." I reached over for my phone, but Hazel Grace beat me to it. We exchanged passwords awhile ago so she got right on and went to Messages. I saw her gasp as she looked at the messages Issac had sent me. As she scrolled through them I looked at them in my head. I had memorized them.

Me: What's up dude?

Issac: I have to tell you something.

Me: What?

Issac: Hazel is cheating on you.

Me: WHAT?!

Isaac: I didn't want to tell you, but I knew she wouldn't so I had to.

Me: Your joking.

Isaac: No! I've seen Hazel hooking up with other guys. And she did something else.

Me: Your killing me. Literally.

Isaac: She tried to hook up with me!

Me: NO!

Isaac: Dude listen, she is not actually in love with you!

Me: I'm done with you Isaac. I don't want to here these lies about my Hazel Grace.

Isaac: I'm not lying!

Me: You can't even see!

Isaac: Fine she has texted me about these amazing guys she likes.

Me: Isaac shut up about Hazel Grace! Don't text me these lies.

Isaac: Dude your just in denial.

Isaac: Augustus, answer me.

Isaac: ANSWER ME!!

I shook away my thoughts when I heard Hazel Grace crying. She looked up from the phone at me. I tried to sit up but she pushed me down and said "Don't waste your energy on me." I would have agreed with her before, but I know she needed me more than ever now. So I tried and succeeded in sitting up then scooted back so my back was against the end of the bed. Then I pulled Hazel Grace in to my lap. She jerked at the sudden movement and grabbed her cart so it wouldn't fall over. "Gus you should really-" I cut Hazel Grace off in mid sentence and said "I know, but I can't lay down and just let you suffer. I want my girl with cart and I won't let a doctor get in my way." She looked at me and I wiped the tears from her eyes. "Why would Isaac do this to me?" Hazel Grace asked. She looked heartbroken that her "friend" would do that to her. "Hey, Hazel Grace. It's okay I don't believe him." She just kept on crying. "Hazel!" Hazel looked up at me surprised that I just used her first name. "Hazel Grace," I began more softly," you can't make me believe what he said was true. I know you wouldn't do that. Even if you didn't love me anymore I know you would tell me instead of going behind my back. Okay?" Hazel Grace looked at me and said, " Okay." Then she looked at me with a questioning look. "What I don't understand, is why you picked me out of all the other girls chasing after you." I laughed, "First of all a prosthetic leg doesn't get me anywhere with girls. Second of all when I saw you all I could see was how beautiful you were. No one compares to you. I knew the moment I saw you that I had to have you." I answered as sincerely as I could. "I would think you would want a girl who didn't have as much problems as me. More beautiful too. Like Lydia, she's pretty, has only minor issues with cancer, and is normal." Hazel Grace said. "My Hazel Grace, if only you knew how much I love you." She giggled, "I have a pretty good idea." I looked at her, beautiful eyes, beautiful hair, just perfect. "Hazel Grace my parents have talked to your parents about my "condition" and we have a nice surprise for you when I get released from the hospital."

"What is it?" I saw a curious gleam in her eye. I looked at her to make sure I was ready and then said "Hazel Grace can you stand right there by the window?" I pointed to a spot right in front of the window. She glanced at me then walked over there. "Now what?" Hazel said when she got there. " Turn around." She did as she was told and turned toward the window. I then lightly pushed the covers off and placed my feet on the floor. I was already dressed so I put my shoes on and grabbed my coat. Hazel Grace must have heard the bed squeak and said "Augustus Waters you better not be getting out of bed." I glanced at her to make sure she was still turned around and walked over to her. I leaned down and whispered in her ear "Turn around." She turned and looked up at me, "Augustus you should be-" I cut her off by saying, "I know, but this can't wait." Hazel looked at me curiously. "Hazel Grace, when you said earlier that we would be separated after I got released from the hospital I remembered something. Your parents and my parents helped set this up. I realized when the doc told me that I would live for at least another year I wanted to spend it with you, your family, and my family. But mostly you." I paused and looked at her. She was trying to hide a smile. "To cut to the chase here I would like to know if you would ever want to move in with me at some point in life?" Hazel looked at me for a moment before answering. "Augustus Waters, do you know how stupid that question sounds? I think you already know the answer because it's yes. I would love to if I ever get a chance." I looked at her mischievously. "Looks like you will be getting your wish soon because your parents and my parents bought an apartment for us both to live in. Just you and me. That is if you want to." She looked at me mouth gaping. "Of course I'll let you look at the brochure so you can get the gist-" I never finished that sentence. "Yes." Hazel Grace said. "Yes?" I asked hoping I heard correctly. "Yes, I want to move in with you." She said nearly bouncing up and down. "Great." I said because I was as excited as she was. I picked Hazel Grace up and she wrapped her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck. We looked at each other and then we were suddenly kissing. I felt her soft lips and the hunger that we felt. I felt like without Hazel Grace that I couldn't breathe. When we finally broke apart we both said they same thing at the same time. "I love you." And then we said "Okay."

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