Chapter 1

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I will warn you right now that you will hate me after this...

Garroth's POV

I remember that day.

I could never forget that day.

The day she left.

The day I found out she was gone.

My beloved Aphmau was gone.


She had been going to Scaleswind to meet with the lord there, about the Phoenix Alliance. She was expected to return in a few days, but never did.
After two weeks of her being gone, I sent Raven to Scaleswind to see if she was okay.

In six days, Laurance and I stayed up in the docks. Raven was expected to return that night. Sure enough, Raven came flying in, with a letter. Although the letter was not from who I expected it to be. In fact, it was from my father. The Lord of O'khasis. I opened up the letter and began to read it.

Dearest citizens of Phoenix Drop,
You will be unhappy to hear that,
Your lord, Lady Aphmau, has been near O'khasis walls. And you see, she is the one in the eyes of the high priest, Zane. He wishes to make her his bride, you know. He asked her for the final time, recently, and after attacking Zane, she was killed, in self defence. I am sorry for the loss of your lord, and maybe now, you will consider the true power of the O'khasis Allowed.
Our Condolences,

My eyes filled with tears as I read that, and I broke to the ground, bawling, and I didn't care.
"What's it say?" Laurance snatched the letter out of my hand, and his eyes widened with shock, and then sadness as he read it.
I cried, and Laurance just looked around, in a state of shock.

"It can't be true. Aphmau can handle herself." He said, and I considered it. But then I shook my head.

"Zane has guards, lots of them. Aphmau wouldn't stand a chance up against them all-" I started crying again, "What are we going to tell Levin and Malachi? What are we going to tell everyone?! What will happen to Phoenix Drop?"

"We have to tell them. This isn't something we can keep as a secret." He replied. I knew he was right. He is always right when it comes to this stuff. I just can't believe she's gone.

Laurance's POV

Poor Garroth. I know he loved her.

-----The Next Day-----

The village was mourning. Nobody was happy. Especially Levin and Malachi. But still, they came out, and they came to the village meeting in the plaza. Garroth stayed in his house, and he wouldn't come out. I don't blame him. But I have to lead this meeting.

After a huge debate, I made my way to Garroth's house. He made me promise that I would tell him how the meeting went. We decided that Garroth would be in charge of the village, since he was the closest to Aphmau. But I don't think he will be up for it, at least not right now. He's taking this really hard. I feel really bad for him.

Garroth's POV

I have cried out my last tear. The village of Phoenix Drop is top priority. I can't let my feelings get in the way of that. Even still, I really want my Aphmau here, in my arms. I want her to be with me.

Levin and Malachi are taking it really well. Well, good enough to leave their room. I couldn't bare to leave all day. I didn't want to talk to anyone. I didn't want their sorries. I want Aphmau back.

I know, they're just trying to be nice to me, because they know I hate the truth. But still, I don't want to talk to people.

Honestly, who would?

I just lost the love of my life. I didn't even get to show her how much I love her. She was, everything. Her eyes twinkled like stars. Her gaze, as soft as a moon beam. Her touch, as warm as the sun. My everything.

Now Laurance wants me to take over the village. And I don't know if I can do that. I want to, Aph would've wanted me to, but it reminds me of her too much.

I looked up, tears forming in my eyes again, and said:

Aphmau, I don't know if you can hear me, but if you can, I want you to know that, I love you, and I want nothing more than to have you back in my life. I would give anything, to see you, just once more. For you to be here, in my arms, safe from any danger. Anything that would try to lay a finger on you, would cower in fear, because I would do anything to protect you, my Aphmau.







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