Chapter 30

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<Lucy's POV>

"Oh my lordy! Stop Austin! Your gonna get pulled over!" I screamed at the idiot behind the wheel. He chuckled and I couldn't help but chuckle too. He sped up.

"Austin!" I screamed. He came to a stop than turned to me.

"Douche!" I yelled. I smacked his arm and started punching him. He laughed.

"If you're done we're here." He said. I nodded. We walked out the car. He led me through a few trees to a field. I smiled.

"Its beautiful." I said. I walked through the flowers and ran my hand on them. I saw Austin staring at me.

"What?" I asked. He shook his head. I looked around and saw a house and ran to it with Austin following.

"Wanna go?" I asked. He nodded.

"My mom owns it anyway." I smiled. I ran in and walked around. It was beautiful. I smiled and ran upstairs with Austin following. I sat on the bed. He sat by me and laid down. He put his hands under his head so I copied him. He had his eyes closed and opened one of them slightly as a smirk came across his face.

"Are you coping me?" He asked. I nodded. He just chuckled a little.

"What's your favorite color?" I asked him.

"Blue." He said.

"Same." I responded. I felt my eyes get heavy and I got really tired.

"Let's take a nap." He said.

"Agreed."I responded. We both got on the bed better. I laid my head on the pillow drifting off into a deep sleep.


I felt something heavy around me. I was laying on my side so was Austin. I had my head under his chin while his arms were around me. I moved slowly trying not to wake him up. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I felt the bed move and Austin Rolled off.

"Son of a bi-" he was saying until I interrupted.

"Biscuit that was hilarious." I laughed and he sat on his knees to look over the bed. He slouched down like a tiger than decided to jump. I screamed as he jumped on the bed and grabbed onto me. He started tickling me and I screamed cause I hate being tickled. I lifted my foot up and I accidentally kicked his balls. He clutched his precious jewels and rolled over. I started laughing and so did he.

"You are going to pay." He said. I smiled and ran downstairs. He followed and I jumped over the last few stairs. He copied. I ran around the couch and jumped over the table.

"Truce!" I yelled.

"Nope! No white flag no truce!" He fired back. I ran around the kitchen. I remembered that I have a bra on so I unhooked the back and took it off while I was running. I started waving it around.

"Really?" He questioned.

"Yep." I responded popping the p. He chuckled and grabbed two waters out of the fridge. He threw one to me and opened the other. I drank mine and sat on the couch and he followed. I smiled. He smiled back.

"I'm hungry." I said getting up and walking to the kitchen. He followed. I looked in the cabbnit. I saw some Cheddar Jack Cheez-its.

"Bingo." I said. I went to go grab it, but of course I'm eat to short. I kept reaching but I'm too short. I felt arms wrap around my waist and lift me up. I grabbed the box and I got pulled down. I put the box on the counter and felt the hands move from my waist. I turned around and he's inches away from me. My heart was pounding as fast as Maximus in Tangled ran. I felt my stomach churn. I smiled a little and so did he. He put a loose piece of hair behind my ear, but kept his hand on my cheek. He leaned in as my eyes fluttered shut. That's when we heard a loud bang. I looked out the window while Austin grunted. It pouring rain.

"Its so beautiful." I said. He nodded then looked at me.

"Yep nothing more beautiful." He said. I smiled at him than ran out the door to play in the rain. He decided to follow and we both were running around. I laughed and he looked up putting his arms out. I started running after him and my wet hair hit my neck. I jumped on him. He chuckled. I was laying on him and I smiled. So did he my hear was beating fast.

"Good girl." Austin mumbled. He put his hand on my cheek and pulled me into a kiss. My stomach felt nothing, but my heart did. It felt like I've been through this. That I've kissed these lips before. That no one else can make me feel this way. I felt a pain in my head, but ignored it. Austin's hand was on my lower back and he turned so he was on top and I was on bottom. The pain is getting stronger. I scrunched my eyes in pain and pulled away from Austin. He sat up and so did I. I was clutching my head.

"Son of a-" I yelled. I felt Austins arms wrap around me. I got lifted up and put in the car. I felt the car driving. I've see Austin and I laughing, playing, kissing. That's when I opened my eyes. They guy next me is someone I love. So one important to me. Someone I remember.

"Austin." I said.

"Shit!" He screamed. I looked forward and saw a dear. He swerved and then I saw I saw us heading straight for a car.

Interesting chapter! Hope you enjoyed! Ik I left it at 2 cliffhangers! I might update again today. Idk only if you guys want. Comment if you do!! Hope you guys have enjoyed! Its soon going to end. Probably 2-3 more chapters including epilogue.



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