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I had a bad feeling that something was going to happen but I tried to ignored it to avoid stressing my son. I was now six and a half months pregnant and I was big. I was taking my prenatal pills and I was eating healthy minus the parts when I would beg Kyng to get me Mc. Donald's. I felt I was being followed but I ignored the feeling. I slowed my pace and waited. I felt two pairs of strong arms grabbing me.
"The bitch is pregnant!" One of them yelled as they put me in the back of a tinted black van. I remained quiet and rubbed my stomach.
"Bitch let's see if Kyng would pay 3 million for you," Manuel said smirking at me. I smiled to myself because these niggas might have lost their fucking minds, fucking with someone like me.

These muthafuckas were so stupid. I saw where the fuck I was going. I never said a word during the ride to the old abandoned warehouse. They locked me in a room, with my hands tied behind my back. I needed to pee and I was hungry.
"Here bitch," Manuel said untying my hands. I rubbed my stomach because my baby was moving because he seemed worried. I assured him that I was there. Manuel hand me a bag of Mc. Donald's. His cheap ass.
"I need to use the bathroom." I said. His ass helped me up and led me to the bathroom. I laughed inside as he watched me pee. Wait till I get my muthafuckin' hands on you nigga! I wiped and washed my hands. He dragged me back to the room. I got a good look at how many niggas were guarding. It was about 10 of them muthafuckas outside. I sat down and ate the damn cold fries as this nigga watched me do everything.
"Looks like your baby daddy is coming for you," he said smiling. As soon as turned his back, I silently walked up to him and break his neck.
"King baby please don't do like mommy when you get here," I said to my unborn son. I silently crept out the room. I walked up to this nigga that had his back turned to me. I grabbed his gun and shot him in the back of his head. He drop and bleed out.
"8 more to go," I said. Just as I was about to kill the next nigga, gun shots started firing. I checked the bullets in the gun and walked out.
"Find my wife!" I heard Kyng barked. Hearing his voice made my baby start kicking with excitement.
"Yo Kyng," Trent said when he saw me. He helped and carried me to Kyng. Trent and I came to new understandings. I told him if he fucked up with Amber again I was going to kill him. He knew I wasn't one to bluff, so ever since then, he's been committed.
"Ma you alright," Kyng looked over me trying to find a scratch on me. He kissed my lips and I smiled. He looked down at my stomach and smirked.
"Lil nigga happy to hear me huh?" He asked.
"Kyng don't call my baby no lil nigga," I said.
"Where the fuck is Manuel?" He asked no one in particular.
"He is died." I said coldly and walked away. I got in the SUV and sat down.

When Kyng and I got home, I hurried off to pee. I heard Kyng laughing at me.
"It's not funny nigga," I said as I walked back into the bedroom.
"Sorry ma," I laid down next to him. He rubbed my stomach and kissed my head.
"Kyng I'm tired," I said as I laid my head on his chest. I started laughing. "Kyng my stomach is here," I point to my huge belly that was between us. He was rubbing my ass.
"Was making sure it was okay too," he smiling.
"That's not funny," I said laughing. My pregnancy is almost over and I couldn't wait to bring my baby into this world.

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