Chapter Eight

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"I can't believe they actually made us go inside a jail cell," Eliza shook her head in disbelief.

"It's all part of the whole undercover act. Keeps us protected so those guys don't come after us," Sonny explained.

"Been more than six months and I still haven't got that," she shook her head and chuckled slightly.

"Well you did great. Nice acting."

"You're not so bad yourself." They both smiled and looked back at the window of the interrogation room where Mendoza was being interrogated by Olivia and Fin. Nick and Amanda were busy with paperwork to arrest the other prostitutes who had been at the party and their clients.

"Look I get that you don't want to be in a relationship with me and all. I just hope that doesn't ruin our friendship or anything," Sonny finally admitted during the awkward moment of silence.

"Who told you that?" Eliza raised a brow at her co-worker.

"No one. You've been practically ignoring me all week. You've made it clear that what happened on Friday was just a one night stand," Sonny shrugged.

"That wasn't a one night stand. Are you really that stupid Sonny?" Eliza crossed her arms.

"Of course not. You just clearly don't like me."

"Gosh you're an idiot," she sighed, "Look Sonny, I really like you. And Friday was not just a one night stand."

"Then why have you been ignoring me?" He persisted.

"Well you already know relationships amongst co-workers is frowned upon in the job," she explained.

"Of course I do. But everyone already sees us as like best partners who hang out all the time. The fact that you're trying to play us out as the exact opposite is making them suspicious," Sonny said.

"I know and I'm sorry. It's just really hard being in the same room with you and not being able to hold your hand or kiss you or be like a real couple. The only way I could avoid it was by ignoring you. I'm working on it though," she explained, "And I'm sorry you thought I was ignoring you because I didn't like you. I just thought you already knew what I was trying to do."

"It's fine. Just some simple issue of miscommunication. It happens," Sonny smiled, "Are we good?"

"Course we are Dominick," she smiled.

"It's Sonny!"

"Can you at least give me a hint at what you're making?" Eliza begged as she lied on Sonny's light brown couch.

Sonny had decided he wanted to cook Eliza dinner and she agreed because, who would turn down food?

He chuckled as he stirred a wooden spoon around in a pot, "No I told you, it's a surprise."

"Can I at least help? I feel bored just lying here doing nothing," she sighed.

"Sorry no can do. Turn on the television or something," he shrugged.

"Fine," Eliza muttered as she sat up. She reached over for the remote on the counter and clicked the tv on. The first channel on was one of those really boring tele-commercials.

"Nope," she muttered to herself and started flickering past channels. She was about to change the channel again when she stopped at a news channel until she heard-

"Horror movie filmmaker, Olsen Winstead was found dead in his studio apartment today. So far, no one has any leads to who the culprit is-"

"Hey Eliza, dinner's ready," Sonny came up behind her, tapping her shoulder lightly.

"Huh?" Eliza was snapped out of her daze but nodded, "Uh yeah I'll be there in a sec." She turned back to the screen narrowing her eyes and picked up the remote, shutting off the television.

"What was that?" Sonny asked as he led her to the dining table where two plates were already set and two glasses of wine as well.

"It's nothing," she shook her head, not wanting to mention it. As a true fan of horror movies since youth, Olsen Winstead had always been her favorite horror filmmaker. It saddened her to know someone for some reason had the motive to kill such a brilliant thinker.

"You sure?" Sonny looked concerned.

"Yeah," she nodded and grabbed her fork, "Let's just enjoy this meal."

"Alright," he agreed and started digging in.

"Wow this is really good! You made this yourself?" Eliza had wide eyes as she ate.

"Yeah, it's my mom's famous linguini. I grew up in a house full of mostly women so I was kind of forced to learn how to cook," he shrugged with a shy smile.

"We've known each other for how long and you haven't told me you can cook," she arched a brow.

"I didn't think my cooking was that good. And you're cooking is way better, I don't think I can compete," Sonny chuckled.

Eliza chuckled as well and sipped her wine until abruptly, there was a knock on the door. "Who could that be?" She arched a brow.

"I'm not sure." Sonny shrugged and sat up from his seat. He walked over to the front door and unlocked it to reveal Amanda.

"Hey Carisi, we need you down at the office," Amanda said.

"Right now?"

"Yes right now," Amanda squinted, trying to get a clear view of who else was inside, "Wait- is that Chapman?"

"Yeah we were just having a friendly dinner is all," Sonny shrugged.

"Right," Amanda nodded with a sly grin, obviously not convinced. "I'll just meet you both downstairs then."

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