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"Hey, I'm the new senior detective that was requested," Eliza nervously gripped her box of sentiments as he stood at the front desk.

The receptionist looked uninterested as she flipped through her magazine. "They're upstairs," she muttered, not even bothering to point where.

"Okay, thanks," Eliza nodded and looked around, still completely confused and lost.

"Need help there?" a brunette in police uniform approached her with a smile.

"Yeah, I'm actually new here. I'm supposed to be in the Intelligence unit and I'm not really sure where that is...?"

"I'll show you. It's right upstairs," the woman said, leading Eliza up the stairs, "I'm officer Burgess. But you can call me Kim. What's your name new girl?"

"Eliza Chapman. Junior- I mean Senior detective now..."she muttered with a frown.

"Where were you transferred from Eliza?"

"New York City, Special Victims Unit."

"SVU. That's intense," Kim said with a look of sympathy. Once they finally reached the top floor, they were met with tons of stares. "Well here we are."

"Eliza!" the detective heard a familiar voice call her out excitedly. She glanced up to see it had been Erin, a detective she had met in earlier cases they had collaborated in. "You're finally here!" Erin smiled and pulled Eliza in for a hug, which was difficult considering the huge box that blocked the two of them.

"Where do I set my stuff?" Eliza asked anxiously.

"Right over here. We got you a new desk, all cleaned up and everything," Erin smiled as she led her to her new desk. "We put you right next to Alvin if that's okay. He's a nice guy though so you'll have nothing to worry about."

"What's that about me being nice?" a guy who looked in his late forties walked in.

"Right on time. This is Eliza Chapman, our new senior detective. Eliza, that's Alvin Olinsky. I'm not really sure where everyone else is at the moment, but I'll introduce you to them once they get back," Erin explained.

"Nice to meet you," Alvin smiled at Eliza and took a seat at his desk. "Where are you from?"

"New York City," Eliza replied.

"Hmm," Alvin nodded, "Figured."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Eliza smirked. He just shrugged and walked off to go get a coffee.

"He's just naturally like that," Erin assured, "Need any help unpacking?"

"Sure, you can just set everything on the table and I'll organize it," Eliza told her.

Erin nodded and started taking items out of the box. She paused when she took out a picture of Eliza and Sonny. "Hey, isn't this that detective you used to work with? What was his name again?"

"Dominick Carisi," Eliza said with a smile as she took the picture. She remembered when the picture was taken. They were at Central Park on a walk. Sonny made them take the picture because he thought it would make them look like 'the most stereotypical annoying couple'.

She chuckled to herself, remembering how everyday she spent with Sonny was the most entertaining time of her life. "You miss him, don't you?" Erin asked, noticing her expression.

"Yeah. I kind of left without saying goodbye," Eliza said, looking away from the picture. "He's a good guy. He deserved better than me. And coming here, was for the best."

"Well I'm really sorry you had to leave him," Erin apologized sympathetically, "If it makes you feel better though, you're like a part of our family now. It may not seem like it at first, but we're all real glad to have you here."

(A/N: Well that's the end. I'm actually working on a sequel for this but I hope you all really enjoyed the story as much as I enjoyed writing it. So thank you all for reading and stay awesome! :D)

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