Chapter Nineteen

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"How's she holding up?" Olivia asked, looking at Eliza through the window of her room. She was asleep now and hooked up to an IV.

"I'm not sure. They won't let me in cause I'm not immediate family," Sonny sighed, pacing around nervously.

"Did you show them your badge?" She asked.

He sighed, fidgeting with his hands, "I actually didn't think of that."

Sonny walked over to her room across the hall, where a female doctor had just walked out of the room. "Sir, do I need to remind you that only immediate family is allowed inside?"

"I'm on the job," Sonny held up his badge and so did Olivia, "Now can I see her?"

"Fine," the doctor sighed, "She's resting right now so try not to wake her up. From what I've seen, seems like she hasn't slept much in the past few days."

"Is she okay?" He persisted.

"She'll live," the doctor muttered with a frown, "But there was a lot of trauma. She's got fractured ribs, suffered from a blow to the head, a bruised jaw, scratch marks all over her skin..."

"Okay okay I've heard enough," Sonny interrupted, not wanting to hear anymore. He averted his eyes, scared to even ask more. "And the baby?"

"He didn't make it," the doctor said quietly, "I'm sorry."

"I was gonna have a baby boy?!?" Sonny's already puffed up eyes were wide in shock. All the sudden, he kicked a near by trash can with all his might, sending the contents flying across the floor. "That son of a bitch took that away from me!"

Olivia's eyes began to water but she said in a low voice, "Carisi calm down-"

"I'm gonna kill him!"

"No you're not Sonny. Please, let's go outside so you can cool off. Don't let Eliza see you like this," She placed a hand on his shoulder.

He huffed in response, but decided to comply. "Don't worry, we've got her on twenty four hour watch. If anything happens, I'll get one of the nurses to call you up," the doctor assured them.


The sound of the heart monitor beside Eliza was the only thing that filled the room once she woke up. For a second, she was sure she was dreaming, that she wasn't in a hospital gurney all patched up and that she was back in the rusty old basement, chained to the wall.

She didn't remember much. Everything was fuzzy. Or maybe she did remember every single detail of what happened to her down there, but was trying so hard to forget.

Nonetheless, her train of thought was broken once the door swung open, revealing a woman in a lab coat with a clip board. She looked like she was in her early thirties, with olive skin and shiny black hair pulled back into a bun.

"You're awake. How are you feeling?" The woman asked as she approached her. Her name tag read 'Dr. Krushki'.

"Like crap," she sighed.

"I can get you some more painkillers but I can't guarantee anything," Krushki assured.

"I'll live," Eliza said.

"I also have some devastating news," she admitted with a somber look.

"I'm pretty sure nothing's more devastating than what I've been through the past two days. I can handle it."

Krushki inhaled nervously, "Your baby didn't make it. The person that had brutalized you caused a miscarriage. I'm very sorry for your-"

"Please don't," Eliza interrupted, her voice shaking as she spoke. "This is all my fault." Her eyes began to water and she bit her lip, trying to hold in muffled cries.

"It's not your fault-"

"Can I just be left alone?" She begged.

Krushki nodded, "If you need anything, I'll be right outside."


"She's not letting anyone inside. Not even detectives," Krushki shrugged, "I'm sorry, but you'll have to be more patient. Women who experience miscarriages often feel like it's their fault and sometimes feel regret. She just needs some space."

"Well it's not her fault. It's that scumbag who kidnapped her. Just let me speak to her, she confides in me," Sonny insisted.

Krushki hesitated, glancing at him then back at the room. "Just give him five minutes. If anything happens, he'll call for you right away," Olivia persisted.

With a reluctant sigh, the doctor nodded, "Five minutes."

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