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Y/N= Your Name (insert name)
F/N= Friend's Name (insert name)

Your POV

I quickly leaned over and grabbed my cell phone, calling the number the ad provided. I was sweating, hoping on my life that I would get those tickets. I brushed my hair out of my face as the call proceeded:

"Congratulations! You are the 21st caller and have received two free tickets to see Twenty One Pilots live! What is your name ma'am?"

I gasped and said, "Y/N!"

"Okay. Can we please have your address so we can mail you the tickets?"

"Yes! My address is..."

After my conversation with the lady on the phone, I sat back and sighed a happy, yet relieved sigh. I smiled and got up, tending to the kittens. They were only about a week old, so I had to wait about 6-7 more weeks until I can give them away. I fed them with a syringe and set them in a fresh box, filled with towels and blankets. I set the box in my room on the floor next to my bed.

I sat down and grabbed my cell phone, calling my friend, F/N, as they were also a fan of TØP.

"Hey hey hey!" I said happily.

"What are you so happy about?" They asked.

"Well, #1, I found a box of kittens and I'm taking care of them, and #2....." They waited.

"Well? Spill it!"

"I won two free tickets to see Twenty One Pilots!!" I yelled happily in the phone. F/N screamed and I heard the clunk as they dropped the phone. I laughed a little inside.

"I'm going with you!" They declared.

"That's why I called you!The show is in a week!"

"Alright. I'll be ready by then, for sure! Oh, I also want one of the kittens. c:"

I laughed.

"Ok, see you then!" I hung up, looking down at the box of pathetic fluffy balls. I picked one up, observing it. It was black with white on it's chest, toes, nose, head, chin, and tail tip.

I'm keeping you, I thought. In fact, I already have a name for you!

The small kitten let out a tiny squeak as I said the name: Thomas.

I kissed his head and set him back into the box. I then called my mom, a 60-year-old retired veteran.

"Hey mom," I said trying to sound casual.

"Whatcha need, sweetie?" She asked.

"Well, I found a box of kittens at work today, and I got tickets to a concert next week, and I'm going to need someone to take care of them while I'm at work and school."

"Of course I'll take care of them! You know I love cats!"

I smiled, "Thanks a lot, mom. I love you, byee!" I heard my mom say bye as I hung up the phone. I couldn't believe what had happened. I got free tickets to see Twenty One Pilots in concert. I sighed and stretched as I lay down in bed, slowly falling asleep.

When I woke up the next morning, I went down to check my mailbox for mail. It was my day off, so I got lucky. I opened my mailbox to see a small envelope with my address and what not on the front. I took it up to my room and opened it. Out fell two tickets.


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