Chapter 2 // Call Me Nate

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Louise's House | 4 pm
I creep through the front door, knowing Danny was probably watching a movie. I meet Louise folding our laundry in the living room, watching a talk show on TV. "Hey Mari." she smiles, tightens her long pony tail, and walks over to a room off of the living room. "Come here." She anxiously waits as I hesitantly walk over.  She opens the freshly painted white door and turns the handle. She places her finger over her full lips, telling me to keep quiet. Louise silently cheers. "I know it's not much but I figured if either of you ever needed to stay there would be a place for you guys." She whispers trying not to bother Danny who was glued to Finding Nemo, on the large plush bed. "I also have another surprise." She walks over to the closet and opens it revealing new clothes for Danny and me.

"Louise you didn't have too." She hugs me stopping me from finishing.

"I know that's your way of saying thank you." Danny's fixation was broken when he realized I was there. He runs up to me and hugs my hip.

"Look!" he pulls his ocean blue shirt straight to show Spider-Man plastered on the front. "It's Spider-Man!" Danny smiles from ear to ear. Before I could respond little Danny sees Jack and begins to chase the fluffy Maltese, leaving Louise and me.

"Maria, please can you two just stay here just one night. Please." She pleads. "You know Danny will be safe here." It's true, she provided, both me and Danny, something we haven't had since mom ran through all of dad's life insurance.

I fold my arms across my full chest. "We'll stay." The words burn like acid as they left my lips. Louise wraps her long arms around me, softening the blow that I was abandoning my own mother.

9 pm
"Be careful this is really hot." Louise grabs a couple of fleece blankets as she sits down two big mugs of steaming peppermint tea. "So how was school?" I haven't been asked that in what seems like forever. She sits on the comfy gray couch and snuggles up with a blanket as I shut the door for the sleeping Danny.

I plop down next to her, fixing the towel that holds up my still damp hair. "It was fine." I pick up the large striped mug that contains the piping hot tea. "School is school." I try to say as casual as possible.

Louise looks at me, one of her brows raised close to her hairline. "Maria Arabella Moore." She sips, her sassy Spanish accent peaking through. "You can't lie for shit."

"I don't know what you're talking about." I hide my face by taking a long sip from the large mug, ignoring the hotness of the tea.

"Okay, whatever." She rolls her eyes and nudges my shoulder. I finish off my tea as Louise turns on a movie, and we both drift off to sleep.

7 am | Friday morning
I'm woken up by the smell of pancakes, the sweet vanilla and cinnamon scent swirls throughout the house. I lazily walk into the kitchen, to see Louise, her hair in a mess, humming to herself as she cooks. She looks over to see me standing there, half asleep. "Go get ready." She smiles "I picked out something you could wear. It's on my bed." Laying over the decorative pillows was a wine red t-shirt dress and some simple sandals. "Please try it on." I pick up the outfit and walk into the simple bathroom. I wash my face, pull my curly mess of hair into a bun, I brush my teeth, put on the outfit and walk out of the bathroom. And somehow I manage to eat two pancakes and slip out the door before Danny awoke.

Liberty Falls Alternative School, Counselor's Office | 12 pm
"Good afternoon Miss. Moore." There he sits in his chair again, the sleeves on his white button-up rolled up so that you could see his muscular forearms.

"Good afternoon Mr. Wolfe." his presents breaks my cold demeanor, he pulls out my file again, and opens it to the picture of my father, just like Monday. I look down and fiddle with my dress, not wanting to show my vulnerability more than I already had.

"Tell me about your life before the incident?" My silents answers his question. "Trust me, Maria." Tears from the horrid details of my father's death began to well up in my eyes, I try to leave to keep from crying in front of him. "No ma'am Miss." He pulls me back into the office and pins me against the wall, the veins in his arms bulging. He leans in close to my ear, and whispers. "Please trust me." He places his large hand on the small on my back, pulling me closer to him. Pressing my abdomen against his manhood. Replacing my tears with lust. Mr. Wolfe wipes a tear off of my caramel skin, then gently presses his lips to mine, the warmth of his kiss, and scent of his cologne made my knees buckle. He slips his hand from my lower back to my ass, as he gently begins to suck, softly, down my neck. Even though I bite my bottom lip, a small moan escapes. He stops and looks up at me, smirking, realizing his control. My cheeks begin to burn with embarrassment. His hand drifts up my dress, and glides across my thin, lace panties, while he sucks on my collar bone. He pulls my lacy panties aside and toys with my clitoris, before he slips his fingers into my wet slit. Mr. Wolfe drives his fingers in and out, rubbing my g-spot with the curve of his strong fingers. My nails dig into his shoulders, those gray eyes beaming through me as I loudly moan his name, Mr. Wolfe. He places his free hand over my mouth, muffling my lust filled moans. "Call me Nate." He whispers. Nate pulls out his fingers and takes a couple steps back, looking over my burning body, craving just his touch. "Come over tonight." He tucks another card in my bra, then softly kisses my forehead as he walks out of his office. "See you tonight around 5, Miss. Moore."


Hope you guys like it! Thank you for reading my little story. Please vote, follow, and comment. (I love reading your comments)


Avery Lea

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Q: How do you feel about Mr. Wolfe?

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