Chapter 6 // Oh Olivia

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I bury my face in my hands, preparing to be caught almost having "sexual relations" with my counselor. "Hello, Miss now isn't the best time." I look up to see Nate at the door blocking Olivia from seeing any further into his office.

"Sorry to interrupt, but I'm supposed to give you this." She hands him a vanilla file with her name written on the top, Olivia Lily.

Nate takes the file. "Nice to meet you, Miss. Uh Lily, but as I said now isn't a good time. I'll be sure to speak with you tomorrow." His voice calms as ever.

"Okay, see you then." She walks away as Nate shuts the door, and we both take a big sigh of relief.

"Do you think she heard anything?" I ask Nate who is pacing.

"I doubt it, but there's always a possibility." Nate pushes back his hair, and sits back on his desk, trying to wipe the worry from his face. "We no longer can do that here."

"Then where?"

"Call me later, and we will discuss this, and other matters." He interrupts me as the stress in his voice builds, and he storms out of his office.

Bus Station | 3:20 pm
I sit on a metal bench waiting for the city bus, doodling in a notebook to keep me from worrying about everything. The beautiful sunset I seen from Nate's balcony just days ago covers the page. The tones of blue create the soft waves breaking onto the white sandy beach, and the warm hues of oranges and golden yellows placed me right back into the storybook that was that night. "That's beautiful." A familiar voice makes me jump, ripping me away from my happy place.

"Thanks." I look up. "Olivia?".

"Oh hey!" She sat down next to me, her bubbly aura taking away some of my stress. "Aren't you that girl that was in the Mr. Wolfe's office earlier today?" This question brings it all back again.

"Yeah, today's been rough." I laugh off her question, trying not to show that I'm freaking out on the inside.

"I'm sure it was." She smiles, her sarcasm goes over my head. The city bus covered in advertisements pulls up to the curve. "So how was it?" Olivia whispers as she follows me to a seat relatively close to the back.

"What do you mean?" My heart is beating out of my chest, she knows.

"You and Mr. Dreamboat was getting hot and heavy in his office today. I could hear you moaning outside the door." Damn Nate and his tongue. "So how was it? For you to be moaning that loud it had to have been good." My body burns, knowing it could all be over by one slip of the tongue.

"Sorry I don't know what you're talking about." Her being so casual about it all made me worry even more about her ability to keep a secret.

"Look, I did you guys a favor. A group of students was coming down that hallway when you two were getting it in, so I knocked, saving your asses from a lot of trouble."

"Thanks." I bite the bullet and thank the woman.

"You're welcome." She pulls a tube of lipstick out of her ivory clutch and begins reapplying the pinkish nude color on her lips. "Besides it's hard to find work around here, and it wouldn't be smart to get my sexy new boss put in jail." The bus pulls up to its first stop, a small apartment complex. "This is my stop, but I'm sure I'll be seeing you later." Olivia fixes her tight dress, struts off, waves bye to me before the bus pulls off.

4:15 pm
As soon as the clear bus door shuts behind me, I call Nate.

We need to talk about this.. in person.
We do, I'm on my way to come get you.

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