Chapter 3 // Resisting Temptation

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Louise's house | 4 pm
I lay on the comfy couch, with Danny snuggled up to me dozing off as he watches Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, while I secretly analyzed the new card. 104 New Crest Boulevard, written beautifully across the champagne colored card. Should I go? The question keeps running through my mind. "You thinking about something Mari?" Louise sits down next to me, snatching the card out of my hand. "You gotta hot date tonight?" She jokes, looking over the card.

"No." I grab it back. 

"Why do you even try to lie to me? I know you and Danny like the back of my hand." I stuff the card in the waistband of my leggings. "But anyways I think you should go with your mystery date. You could use some fun." Drawing out every word as she nudges my shoulder.

"How even would I get all they way to New Crest?"

"I got you, Mari." Louise puts her arm around me, pleased that she used slang correctly. "Now let's go get you ready." I move the napping Danny onto the love seat, we walk into Louise's cozy room and open the packed closet. She jumps into the closet, all the clothes almost swallowing her. Her head finally peaks out minutes later. "Here." She throws a pale pink pleated maxi skirt with a slit to the hip, and cream champagne color crop with lace detailing, on the bed. "I would totally wear this with heels, but I know you love sandals so here." She reluctantly hands me a pair of sandals with gold buckles. "Hurry put that on, so I can do your make-up." I throw on the outfit, she does a thin simple cat-eye, and I let my curly hair go.

"What time is it?" The aura of dominance Nate gives off leaves me wanting to please him, and being late would do the opposite.


"Fuck, I'm gonna be late.", I slip on my shoes and head for the door.

"Maria wait." Louise stops me at the door. "Here." She hands me a gold-colored iPhone and the keys to her car. "Call me if anything happens, my numbers already in there, and by the way watch the cussing." Point her index finger as she scolds me.

"But Louise.."

"Go you're gonna be late." She pushes me out the door.

Nate's House | 6:30 pm
I pull up in the pebble driveway and park the black Volvo. I walk up the picturesque beach house, that could barely be seen as the sun set lazily over the ocean. I ring the elegant metal doorbell. Mr. Wolfe meets me at the door, his normal business attire has been replaced with a gray button-up, unbutton to reveal his chiseled chest, and some faded red shorts. "Hey, Miss. Moore, nice of you to be on time." He jokes then gestures me to come in, as he runs his hand through his dark brown hair.

We walk into his gorgeous beach house. "Sorry, Mr... I mean Nate." Just his presence puts me on edge. "And you can call me Maria." I look out the large bay window, trying not to get caught in his gaze.

"I was scared you weren't gonna show." Scared? I actually make him scared. He puts his hands in his pockets, pushing the shorts down a little to reveal his sexy V-lines. I try not to stare, damn do I want to.

I look at him, "I haven't been on this side of town in a while, and I uhh." Fuck, I got caught in the gaze. "I-I got lost." He smirks knowing damn well I'm under his spell.

"I had something planned, but.." The normal confident expression on his face has faded into a disappointed one. "I got something else in mind." He smirks. "Follow me." He leads me through the well-decorated hallway and out to large deck hanging over the white sandy beach. We sit down on a huge wicker patio chair, that resembles a bed. The white cushion covered in an assortment of blankets and large seafoam decorative pillows. Lining the balcony was different sized candles, providing enough light to where we could still see, the movie, and the beautiful sunset.

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