The Devil's Truth: Chapter 13

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The Devils Truth 

I looked at her then at the envelope and sigh. "Do I have to?" I asked her. 

"If you don't want me to do anything hurtful, yes," she answered as she smiled. 

"Okay, but I'm not opening this one," I said as I grab my backpack and throw the envelope in before grabbing the other and sigh.

 In the corner of my eye, I saw Melissa moving eagerly forward and watched as I slowly began to unfold the envelope. I turned away from the envelope for a second and press my lips together before returning to it then pulled the paper out of the white envelope. I unfold the paper and felt Melissa moving to see over my shoulder as we both read the letter. I read the first line then turned to hand it to her and Melissa covered her mouth, gasped. I ran my fingers through my hair and let out an exhausting sigh before going to return to my work. Melissa read the paper before putting placing it back in the envelope and turn to me. 

"Nancy, I'm sure they had made a mistake," she said turning to me. 

"What mistake?" I ask her. 

"That they got the wrong person? They looked at the wrong portfolio?" she said as she sat down and looked at me. 

"I'm sure there wasn't a mistake. I'm a bad artist." I said to her, nonchalant. 

Melissa frown then quickly stood up to head to the front desk, taking my letter, and talked quietly to the teacher. God I didn't need this, I thought to myself as I gathered all of my belongings and got up to hurry out before the teacher tried to comfort me in her bothering way. I bit the envelope in my bag is also a deny letter and I can be a laughingstock to both schools; even here. I stood up roughly that my chair almost fall to the ground and I began to head out of the classroom. I heard my teacher call after me but I ignored her and head to the nearest bathroom. I throw my bag at mirror once I finally entered the girls restroom than looked down at the sink. I turn to look up at myself in the mirror before I turn quickly to a stall and throw up. I didn't even felt sick today, but I was kneeling on the floor as I turn down to the toilet and throw up everything that could of been in my stomach. 

"Nancy!" I turned and closet the door not wanting Melissa to see me than reach over to grab some paper to wipe my mouth. "Nancy, are you okay?" she asked me as she knocked on my stall door. 

"I'm fine." I said and heard the uneven sound of my voice. "Please... I just want to be alone." 

"But Nancy..." 

"Leave me alone!" I yelled as a tear shed and I turned away from the door. 

Melissa stayed quiet than I heard her foot steps moving and I covered my face as more tears shed when I heard more steps. "Here." 

I turn and saw a bundle of towels from under the door and I slowly reach for it. "...Thanks..." I whispered as I wipe my face. 

I saw Melissa's shadow move until she was sitting, leaning, against my stall door. "Nancy... I'm really sorry about the letter... And of Claire... And how your day is going..." she said to me in a calm tone. "You don't deserve this much in one day. You don't even deserve any of this." 

I wipe my cheek dry and thought about her words. "What do I deserve then?" I asked her. 

Melissa stayed silent then she said. "You deserve more happiness. I think you're sad. Sad of what? I don't know, but I don't like seeing you sad all the time, every day, and every week." 

I stayed silent as I look down at the floor and throw the towel in the toilet. 

"What are you sad about?" she asked me after a couple of seconds of silence. "I don't want to talk about it," I said to her, my voice a bit over a whisper. 

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