The Devil's Truth

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The Devil's Truth

Melissa looked at me troubled. "Nancy?" she asked.

"Yeah?" I said going to look up at her when suddenly she lean forward and press her lips against mine softly.

My eyes widen as I froze shocked and surprise than she pulled away.

We looked at each other suddenly in confusion on what to say next than Melissa turned away after a second and press her lips together. I stayed were I was as I continue to stare at her with my shock taking my breath away that I simply forgotten to breathe than I remember how to and my body was able to react as well so I gather my things. I saw Melissa turn toward me as I grabbed my backpack and gave a confused expression than I turned to leave. I heard Melissa called me questionably but I just walked faster and I just couldn't turn back. I can't.

I walked back the way we came and it took a while to get to the light post until I saw a group of people from school that usual bullied me. I frown looking around than head towards the opposite direction I came and leave to hoping to escaped when I ran into some that knocked me to the ground. I fell with a thud and felt my backpack almost breaking my fall but the guy was still standing as if the impact didn't affect him. I looked up at who I crash into and saw that it is a guy who was just about the same age as me with long dark with white tips on his bangs. The guy cursed as he apologized and tried to help me up but I refused his offer getting myself off the ground.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't see you. Are you hurt?" he asks me.

I got up and looked at my hand seeing a scrap. "I'm fine." I said hiding it but the stranger took my hand.

"No, your not. Let's wash thy before it gets infected." he said as he reach over to pick up my backpack.

"No, it's fine." I said pulling my hand away from him than reach for my backpack to take back.

The guy raise his hand as I did this. "Alright." he said as he looked me over. "I'm Chris."

I looked at him than shook my head. "I'm leaving." I said as I began to walk again.

The guy, Chris, smiled as he watch me leave than began to follow me. "I have a car. Would you like me to drive you somewhere?" he asks me.

I turn to him confused. "No." I answered. "That sounds like your going to kidnap me."

Chris cheer turn a bit pink and shrug. "I was just offering since I did knock you down and you got hurt." he said simply.

I shook my head. "No, it was my fault. I a rush and I wasn't paying attention on where I was going." I said as I continue on my walk to escape before Melissa found me.

"Hey, I've seen you before." Chris said as he looked at me closely.

I turn to him and wondered if he was one of those bullies at school. "You have?" I asked.

"Yeah... Your in.... My gym class." he said smiling as he figured it out and I look at him confused.

"I am?" I asked him.

"Yeah. Your a hell of a runner. You should join the track team." he said smiling.

"Um, no thanks." I said than made a turn to leave when I heard someone call my name and I close my eyes.


Melissa's POV

I looked at her curiously wondering what was going through her mind and it drove me mad if she truly hated me or not.

"Nancy?" I finally said as my eyes would not pull away from her.

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