The Devil's Truth

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Devil's Truth

Melissa stood there lost of words. She wrapped her arms around my shoulder and brought me inside; looking around outside before closing the door.

"Melissa, is that your date?" a female voice called from the kitchen.

"No, mom. I don't think he's coming. I'll be in my room. Good night!" she said in a dry voice and began to lead me upstairs to her room.

I almost tripped on the steps on the way up and went over to her bed to take a sit as she close the door once we enter her bedroom. She kneel down in front of me and looked at my face.

"Nancy, what happened? Why is your face red?" she asked as she touch my left cheek.

I flinch from the touch and looked down as tears still escaped me. "I can't tell you." I whispered.

"Nancy, now is not the time to hide secrets." she said frowning. "What happened to your shirt?--Oh my god! You weren't beaten up were you?!"

I cried harder. "Its not like that." I tried to say.

"Than what is? Nancy, who hurt you?" she asked in a pled. "Was it Karen? Did you ran into Karen?"

"No." I cried.

"David? Did David tried to do something again?" she asked now in a angry tone.

"No." I said, crying.

"Than who?"

"My dad." I blurted out.

"Your... Real dad? Or your step-dad?"

I didn't answer right away but turned my head away from her. "My step-dad." I whispers very quietly.

"Nancy, you have to call the police." she said quickly.

"I can't." I respond turning to her with wide eyes. "They'll get mad if they knew I said something."

"Nancy, look at yourself! Don't act like this is okay." she said angrily.

I stood up. "I shouldn't of come here." I said, my voice sounding calm than how I feel.

"Nancy, don't you dare walk out like this." she said, her voiced raised.

"I asked you to trust me." I retort, turning to her frowning.

"Well, what you are about to do can't gain my trust. I can if you I know you would be safe." she said to me and reach out to hold my hand. "You can't run from the truth."

I looked at her, looked at her eyes, and frown as a tear shed. "I'm just scared."

"Stay the night than. I won't ask you anything more than that." she promise.

I looked at her and fully look at her. "I can't. Your going to the dance." I said drying my face with the sleeve of my sweeter.

"No, I'm canceling." she said reaching over to grab her cell phone and dail a number. I watched her and I can hear the dail tone.

"Hey," she said when the person answered. "I can't make it to the dance. Emergency. No, I'm fine... Well, it has to wait--yeah. Thank. You should still go and have a good time. Bye" she said than hung up.

"Chris?" I ask her.

"Yeah, but it's okay. It could be better to not go with him." she said throwing her phone on the dresser.

"But the dance..." I said trying to protest, but she ignored me.

"You should change your shirt." she said turning to look at me than went to her dresser. She opened it and began to look through her clothes before settling on a dark blue tank top. "Is this okay?" she asks me.

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