5# Forbidden Love? ~ EXO D.O ~

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1 month ago..

I received a confession..

From the son/soon-to-be heir of my work place a.k.a my partner, D.O..

"I love you Hari" D.O said

"........Mwoh?" I replied

Ever since that day, he wouldn't stop popping up in my head which really affected me and my work. For the past few months, I've been trying to keep my private life and work seperate so it wouldn't affect me but now, it's all muddled up due to ONE CONFESSION. What's worse is that he's my partner.. meaning, I SEE HIM EVERY DAY.

And not just that, usually, he's strict and mean when it comes to work. But now... he's soften up abit and is acting all strange. To be honest, I like him too but this... I can't. Plus, apparently in this company, Love... Is Forbidden.

I sighed. That's what I say but my best friend Ahyoung is dating her partner JB. They say they'll keep it undercover but you know what I see? Flirting, flirting, flirting.. Aiya..

"Hari. Hari. HARI" D.O called

"Huh? Neh?" I replied

"Stop daydreaming. If you want to daydream, do it when you're not at work" D.O said

"Yeah yeah.." I said


"Unless.. you're daydreaming of me, you may continue" D.O said leaning on one arm

I blushed.

"D-Don't get full of yourself and do your work please" I said sorting out the papers

"Alrighty" D.O said

Type type type type type...

That's all I hear. Usually, I wouldn't be affected by this silence but now.. It's really disturbing.

I stood up from my chair.

"Excuse me, I'm going out for fresh air" I said leaving the room

I walked into the elevator then pressed the close button until someone stopped the door.

"Wait!" D.O said entering the elevator



The reason of me going out of the office is to get away from him and here he is now..

I was about to press the button for Floor 8 (where Ahyoung and JB works at) but then D.O pressed the R (rooftop).

"Do you have some business at the rooftop?" I asked

"Ani" D.O said

"Then why-" I asked untl D.O grabbed my arms and pinned it against the wall

"Wha-" I said until I felt his lips on mine..

My eyes widened. I pushed him away from me.

"What are you doing?! We're at work!" I said

"I know.." D.O said

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