Chapter one

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Chapter one- meet Gabby
Dedicated to- Irresistibly_ ( thanks a lot for editing the chapter!)
Edited by- irresistibly_


"I love you, I really do."

"I love you too."

My heart was exploding with tremendous amount of happiness inside me. My poor legs were shaking with loads of excitement which my heart definitely couldn't hold. And at the same time nervousness was preoccupying me.

It might come any time now.

The kiss!

Aaron cupped my face and very slowly started covering the little distance between us. I snaked my arms around his neck to bring him closer.

"Don't worry everything will be fine" he whispered very softly.

I nodded.

Before his lips could touch mine, his thumb did. We stayed in that position for a minute, pretending to kiss. Yeah you got me we were acting! Everything was part of a script. Well, not least not my part.

This guy standing so close to me was my lifelong crush Aaron Montez, my bestfriend's brother. But for him I was just his friend or even worse his little sister.

My life sucks, I know!

Everyone was congratulating us. Our performance was mind blowing. We played Morden Romeo and Juliet by the way. Our drama teacher can't stop complementing us. She was so flattered. A+ in drama- check!

"Gabby! You were marvellous! Oh I love you so much!" Audrey, my best friend shouted from across the crowded room as she ran to me and captured me in a life draining tight hug. Each and every eye was on us. It's nothing new, when with Audrey these things are normal. She is like Starfire from Teen Titans.

"Geez Rey, c-can't breath."

"Sorry. I was just a little excited!" Audrey said apologetically as she let go of me. She was grinning.

"Umm by the way where is Aaron? I haven't seen him since the play" I tried to keep my voice as normal as possible because in reality whenever I take Aaron's name. I get this weird ticklish feeling in my stomach and my voice begins to crack.

Audrey took out a deep breath of sigh then smiled. She was trying to hold back her excitement.

"That's what I was about to tell you! We are celebrating the success of your play at Rosie's. He and his gang are already there. Now come, lets go." She grabbed my hand and started dragging me out of the theatre to her car.

Wow this is gonna be exciting! A dinner with Aaron! Even though it's not going to be some romantic candle light dinner where we will sit under moon light and all that. But still I can't be any happier.

Aaron gang wasn't boring either, In fact it's almost fun. Key word almost. Jordan, Austin and....pest Pierce. Yeah Pest Pierce. I like the other three but really don't understand why such a perfect guy like Aaron share even the same air as that devil's spawn.

Pierce Walter have been my enemy since kindergarten. It all started when he pushed me in a puddle and got me drenched. He and his friends which included whole of the class started laughing at me. And it was just the beginning. Since then till starting of high school I had no friends, pfft like I had any before. He made my life completely miserable. He use to make fun of me, laugh at me, hide my things, let no one talk to me and the list can go on and on and on.

But the worst thing he did was call me 'Geeky Gabby'. It's practically my new name. Yeah it is. And I hate it. To take revenge I gave him a name too 'Pest Pierce' but too my bad no one except me calls him that. And why anyone would? He is the God of the school! Rich parents, good looks, dashing personality, member of schools basket ball team.

He have it all.

And then there is me, school's nobody! No one even cares to look at me. It is like I am always wearing Harry Potter's invisible cloak.

But things changed a little when Audrey and Aaron came to school during freshmen's year. They became the celebrities as soon as they laid their first step in school. Audrey the most beautiful girl in my school who has all the boys wrapped around her fingers became my partner for a project. I though that she was going to be a bitch to me, forcing me to do all the work while partying herself.

But to my shock, she helped me a lot and we became best friends. She is the first friend I ever had and I love her very much. Her company didn't affect my zero popularity level much but
it is better than earlier. At least now random people do not force me to do their homework.

I developed a huge crush on her brother Aaron but never dared to tell her or him. I didn't tell it to Audrey because I was too scared it will break our friendship and to Aaron because....I am simply
a chicken.

Aaron is equally polite and good looking as his sister. The only bad thing is, he is friends in fact best friends with that pest who destroyed my whole childhood.


"Hi Gabby! I am glad you made it," Aaron said politely as I and Audrey approached his table at Rosie's. I was blushing like crazy.

"Look whose with us, our favourite geeky Gabby! " Pierce mocked me as he sipped his drink. I shot him a very dangerous death glare and he smirked in return. The nerve of him!

Calm down Gabby. No need to let that pathetic pest destroy your evening. Just ignore him.

I tried my best to not get affected by him. I tried to have my full concentration on Aaron. Aaron said I was the best co-actor he could ever have. I was so happy. We ordered our favourite dishes and talked. It was the first time I actually felt like I was having a great time with my friends. They were my friends, yeah except Pierce of course.

He miraculously didn't try to pull any trick, he was very quiet which is very unlikely of him. But it was the silence before the storm.

A woman in neat dress bought our food. It smelled delicious. Just when she was serving us, something got her leg, which made her jump, squeal and drop the lasagna all over my head.

Everyone present in that restaurant was staring and laughing at me as if I was some joker. Oh I was looking nothing less than a joker. There was no need to tell what got her leg, or I should say who. The main thing was I was made fun of in front of my crush. And it destroyed even the smallest chance I had with him. Now I officially hate that pest.

And nothing can change that. Ever!

So here was the first chap! Oh I am so happy!
Vote and comment. Critics are
more than welcome. Tell me what do you feel about geeky Gabby, pest Pierce
and um just Aaron :)
Answer my question and I'll dedicate the chapter to
the person who had the most impressive one!
Question: what adjective should I use for Aaron?
_______ Aaron
- hugs and kisses Jasie :)

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