Chapter 12: I'm Stubborn?

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Hi everyone! Here is the next chapter enjoy.

Oh! And  HELLO to my followers, silent readers, voters and who leaves a comment... and to my future readers , Hello :)

Pictures of Matt Gordon as Grey (Front)

And Stas Svetlichnyy as George (Back)

Aleksei POV

Two weeks! We've been here for two weeks. So far so good no casualties happen in this pack, no one tries to talk to me except for Chase and Alpha Robert. Raven said they are just afraid to my brothers, yeah definitely afraid. When my brothers saw someone tries to talk to me or touch me, they immediately sending the poor person a death glares and growls and that poor person will run away from me and never approach me ever again. I don't know if I should be glad or not.

Oh! I finally saw Anne and Mark, they are so happy when they saw me again. Anne cried immediately when she saw me in the dining room, she couldn't believe that she would see me again. I excitedly introduce her to my family, especially to Cameron. My brother and my family thank her for everything that she did for me and they told her that if she needs help or anything they will gladly help her. Then she introduce her daughter to us her name is Aira, she is very tiny and her fingers too.

Anne told me that I could carry her daughter but I shake my head, I'm afraid that I might drop her baby. I'm contended looking at her making a gurgle sound and clapping her small hand. But sad to say Anne and Aira are going to the safe place where no rogues lurking around, but Mark will stay here and help us.

And tomorrow Daddy Maxx will be here with Mama Liane and Mama Paige. I hope this will end soon; I miss my other brothers and sisters, my other papa, daddy and mamas.

It's already afternoon right now Grey, George, Liam and I are in my secret place and we are currently drench from the heavy rain.

"Let's run, it's getting cold and baby boy might get sick if we stay longer here." Grey said worriedly. Yeah it's cold and I'm freezing.

"Okay in a count of three we run." George said as he picks me up.

"You don't have to carry me, I can run." I huff to George who is now giving me a deadpan look.

"It's better if I carry you; we can go to the pack house faster and you are already freezing." He said to me while I was pouting.

"He's right babe and if run with us you might not catch us up." Grey backup as he point my shorts legs. I glare at him while both of them chuckled. Ha! You'll see I grow tall like you.

"Rogues" Liam muttered suddenly. George immediately put me down and hides me behind his back as I took my weapons in my drench bag.

"Prepare yourself they're coming." Liam said seriously then he looks at me. "Do you have your weapons?" he ask, I nod at him and show my gun and knuckle knife. "Good, just stay put in your place. When they got near you shoot them."

"Or better yet..." Grey pick me up and jump to the branches of the tree and place me to the middle. "There, it is much safer if you are here." He said as he sat me down on the branch.


"Nope, you stay here and don't move. End of discussion." And he immediately jumped down. But I can fight too! I cross my arms in my chest and scowl as look down to my brothers.

Five rogues shows up and growls. My brothers jump in the air and phase. And they engage into fight, if you say rogues have the advantage to win in these fight, you are wrong. My brothers are more skillful and well train by our fathers and so far one rogue is down. I know who to fight too, so I need to help them even if my whole body is freezing from cold. I carefully go down to the branches but before that I test it first if it's too slippery and if my foot can reach the branch. Why it's so easy to Grey to jump and go down this tree, when it comes me it's too hard.

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