One Direction Imagines - Liam #2

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It's been awhile since I last posted something. Sorry.

Anyway, Here's a Liam Imagine for you. :)


"Liam? Babe? Where are you?" You ask as you walk inside the house.

See, you and Liam had been on for about a year. He talked to you sbout moving in with him with which you happily agreed with.

You search around the house for Liam.

Under the table (Where he usually hides to let you think no one is in the house)

Under the bed.

Inside the closet.

Into the unoccupied rooms.

He's nowhere to be found.

So you decide to call him. You diall his phone number and wait for him to answer it.

"Pick up. Pick up. Pick up."

*Hi. You've reach Liam's ph----* You disconnected the call 'cause you're angry. He usually leaves a  note if he ever leaves. He didn't even texted you to inform you where he went..

*Honk Honk*

*Knock Knock*

You open the door only to find an unknown person.

"Hi ma'am. Mr. Liam Payne sent me to take you somewhere. Daniel, ma'am. At your service." He introduced himself. You just giggled at his formalness.

"I'm (Y/N). So, where are we going then?" You ask him bluntly.

"I'm not allowed to say it, ma'am (Y/N). I'm sorry." He said.

"Just call me (Y/N). It feels as if I'm so rich that you need to call me ma'am. But seriously, where are we going?" You say.

"Okay, alrighty then! (Y/N) it is! I already told you, (Y/N).. I am not allowed to state where I'm supposed to take you. So please come with me and enjoy the ride to wherever we are going." He said/

"Wookey Dokie. Just be aware that I'm going to annoy you the whole ride to wherever we are going." You say with a smug on your lips.

"All the pleasure is mine, (Y/N)" He said with a smile.

"Leggo!" You exclaim.

*You go with Daniel and let him lead you.You entered the limo and saw a yellow post-it posted on the back of the door.*

"Ohhh! Cluuuuuesss!" You say with a hint of childishness.

Liam knows you love clues and other detective stuff.

*You open the note and read it with your eyes.*

"Hi babe! I',m sorry if I didn't answer your call or even left a not as to where I went. But it's a surprise! Just let Dan take you there! Hope you have fun with my antics today! I love you, (Y/N) See you later, babe" You smile and blush at his choice of words.

"Why is Liam so sweet?" You thought to yourself.

You push a button to slide the barrier down.

"Hey Dan! Where to?" You ask jokingly.

"I already told you, it's top secret! But here's the trick, I'll stop at every corner and you have to get out and someone will give you something from Mr. Payne. Okay?? Good. Now be quiet!" Dan told you with a stern voice.

You just nod and zip your mouth shut. Afraid of what Dan might spoil you with.

You just stare at the window and watch everything in a blur. Dan suddenly takes the car to a halt. He then lowers the barrier and tells you to go out and wait for something. You obey and you just stood there like an idiot.

A man rushes to you with flowers in his hands. He gives you a big smile and says "You have and amazing boyfriend. Never let him go. He loves you so much." 

You just curtly nod with a grin. You take the boquet and go back in the car. And Dan rushes to another unknown location. You just sit there and smell the red roses that Liam gave you. You smile as memories of you and him flashes in your mind like a photo album.

The car stops and you go out. Waiting for another man or girl to give you something.

A woman in her near 30's smiled big at you.You just awkwardly smiled back as she approaches you. She's carrying a small teddy bear with Liam's signature on it's left foot. "Hey. Mr. Payne wanted me to give this to you. I hope you and Mr. Payne last long. he is a very sweet guy. Hold on to him." You again, curtly nod and smile at the woman in front of you. You say "Thanks" and go back into the car.

Dan rushes again into and unknown location. And you were just staring at the boquet of flowers and the bear.

Dan stops again and just like before, you step out of the car and wait. A boy in his teens approached you. He's carrying a yellow post-it. He smiled at you and you smiled back and take the post it. You read it. "Hey babe, only one more to go and you'll see me again. I love you. x Liam."

You smile and say "Thanks" to the boy and rush to the car. Dan gives you a smile as you enter the car. You smile back and say "Where to next?" He just laughed and shook his head.

Again, Dan rushes to another unknown place. Dan stops shortly.

"This is it. My last stop, I think."

You get out of the car and wait. A mother with her daughter came to you. The girl then pulled your hand as a gesture for you to follow her. You chuckled and let her lead you. She comes to an abrupt stop and you look up. A van with the ice cream logo was parked infornt of you. The door opens and a platform appears. Liam the the boys then pop out of nowhere and they sing "Little Things". Liam just looks at you straight in the eye while you just stood there staring back at him. It was like the first time you met, everything vanished and it was just the two of you.

The song ended and Liam took a step down to be at your level.

"Hi (Y/N)! Did you like my surprises?" He asked with an upturned brow.

"You're awesome, babe." You say and kiss him.

"Okay. Okay. Stop the kissing and just get to the point of all of this, Liam!" Louis shouted.

Liam nods and goes down on one knee.

"Darling, I know it's so abrupt for me to do this. But everytime I'm away from you or even if I'm with you. I always see my future with you. Us, and our own little angels. Will you do the honors of marrying me (Y/W/N)?" He stares deep into your eyes as if searching the answer on your shocked yet happy face.

You laugh and help Liam up until you meet each others eyes. Liam's forhead leaning on yours.You kiss him and he smiles. Fireworks, grasshoppers, butterflies, and gorillas are just having a freaking party in your tummy.

"Is that a yes?" Liam asks with a hopeful smile.

"Yes. Liam. Yes." You say with tears in your eyes as he lifts you up by your thighs and you wrap your hands and thighs around Liam as if it was the last time that you'll be with him.

Liam twirls you around while the poeple around you are cheering. You almost forgot that they're there. You lean up and give Liam another passionate kiss. 



Sooooo, how was that? Is it good?

Wey Hey! It's on the spot!

Thanks for reading!




xoxo, CheshireWannabe :)

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2013 ⏰

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