One Direction Imagines - Niall #1

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Imagine – Niall

Imagine being the bride of the love of your life, Niall Horan. Yes, Niall James Horan, the boy from Mullingar, Ireland, whom you’ve been engaged to for the past 3 years. And today was your wedding. The day you both have been dreading, not the kind of dreading like you didn’t want it, but dreading as in like nervous/excited feeling that you’re supposed to feel when it’s your wedding day.

Niall isn’t with you since it is tradition that you can’t be with your soon-to-be-spouse a day before your wedding. So you just sit there on your front porch at 1:05 AM. Waiting for the sunrise to come and warm up your already cold body. You can’t sleep with the thought of being married to Niall. You just can’t believe that in just mere hours you’d be Mrs. Horan.

You decide to just let your body relax until it was time for your hair and make-up staff to arrive. So you step in your own flat and go straight to your bed to just lie down and let your body drift off to a warm and heavenly feeling called Relaxation.

As your body drifts off, your mind wanders on and on about what would happen later that day. Soon you find yourself in a very deep sleep. Being broken by soft lips latched on to your forehead, then to your nose, urging you to wake up.

You open your eyes and find Harry Styles staring down at you. He has been your best friend way back, even before you and Niall met. Harry was more of a brother to you than your real brother is. So you asked him to be the one who’ll walk you and hand you to Niall.. To your surprise, he rejected it at first but soon gave up and said yes. And the funny thing about that is, you used your puppy eyes skill on him and he gave up instantly. But both you and Harry know that he really wants to be what you asked him to be for your Wedding Day, he just wanted to joke around.

“Styles, why did you wake me up?” You ask Harry. He just smiles and pulls you up and gives you a piggy back ride towards the bathroom. “You need to bathe, silly” He said. You just nod your head and jump down from his back. He quickly rushes out of the bathroom. So you strip down to just bare skin and jump on the bathtub to take a bath.

You open the shower and let the warm water to loosen up the knots in your muscles and just relax under it. Soon, you got bored so you just cleaned yourself and got dressed for the hair and make – up. You just put on a loose shirt and some denim shorts.

You rush out of the loo and went straight to your artists that Niall hired for you. You plop down on the swiveling chair and let them do their magic. Soon, you don’t look like yourself. Harry walks in and stands in the doorway to dumbfound to speak. “Eyy, Noodles! Shut your mouth! You can give shelter to millions of insects with just your mouth hanging open.” You said. He clamped his mouth shut once he heard “insects”.

You quickly got dressed in your designer wedding dress. (See side bar)

You look at Harry still there leaning by the door frame. He has his phone in his hands smirking at what he’s reading. So you cough to get his attention. “Ready, babe?” He asks still looking at his phone. So you throw him one of the brushes and you hit him straight in you know where. “Hey! What was that for?” He asks again but this time looking up. He then again had his jaw hanging by the sight of you. “(Y/N), you’re gorgeous, beautiful, please run away with me instead of marrying Niall.” He jokes. You just chuckled at him. “Let’s go, Noodles. I don’t wanna be late at my own wedding.” You say. He nods. “Let me escort you out, M’lady”. He says in his husky voice trying to mock you. “Yeah, let’s go. It’s not gunna work, Styles.” You say and stuck your tongue out at him. He does the same. ‘Yeah, just like old times.’ You thought to yourself.

You ride a limo to the Church. While on the way, Harry keeps on rubbing small circles on your palm to keep you calm. It helps. Soon, you find yourself standing outside the Church, Harry never leaving your side. The doors soon open and Lux and the other members of the Entourage also enters. Soon, you and Harry are next.

“Harry, I’m nervous.” You say in a quivering voice. “Don’t be, love. Niall will be there with you all through out.” He smiles at you. Only 5 steps more before Harry hands you to Niall. You heart beats faster by the second.

Niall smiles at you and whispers “You’re beautiful. Don’t be nervous. I’ll be here with you. And to be honest, I am nervous too. So keep calm and say ‘I Do’”. You smile at this.

The priest asks you to share your vows to each other.

“Niall James Horan, I’ve been waiting 8 years for this moment. I promise a life full of happiness in this marriage. I promise to give you your daily dose of Nandos and also our little angels. I love you with all my heart, Horan.” You say with tears in your eyes. The crowd goes wild with the mention of Nandos and Angels.

“(Your Full Name), I love you with all my heart and soul, you are the reason that I breathe and the reason that I sing. I promise to give you your daily dose of One Direction songs. I am willing to have Nandos and our Angels. I can’t wait to be able to share a married life with you. Having no doubts on what we do or when we do it.” He says with tears in his eyes.

Rings On.

“You may now kiss your bride.” The Priests says. Niall kisses you passionately in front of yours and his’ family.

“We’re a married couple now, Mrs. Horan” Niall says. Looking happiest he has ever been.

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