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Daisy leaned to turn off her alarm clock. It was 6am. She clicked the alarm clock and grabbed her phone from the table. She sat up in her bed and had a look at her texts.

Alex: We need to talk

Jack: answer my calls..

Jack: You have 5 missed calls from this number

"urgh" Daisy groaned. She got up and began to get ready. She ran downstairs when she was dressed and grabbed her coat.

"Daisy? where are you going?" called Helen, her mum.

"Out!" Daisy slammed the door behind her.

Daisy began to walk down the path to Alex's house. As she neared the house she put her hood up, trying to hide her face from view. "What am I doing?" she thought to herself, "how could I let myself fall so easily?"

Daisy walked up to the porch of the house and knocked at the door several times, and waited for a reply, when no reply came, she knocked continously until someone answered the door.

The door opened and Isabella stood there with a sour look on her face. She turned to Daisy and stared at her with an angry grimace. "what do you want? haven't you caused enough trouble between the boys?"

Daisy stood with a blank expression. "what's happened?" she turned to Isabella and tried to peer around the door to look for any remnance of a fight.

"Why don't you ask Alex yourself? he's upstairs, second bedroom on the right, not that you don't already know where his bedroom is"

Daisy walked into the house and shut the door behind her, carefully taking her converses off and laying them to the side. Daisy began to walk up the stairs. She could hear an out of tune guitar being played and she walked down the hallway. She peered around Alex's bedroom door and could see him sitting on his bed lost in thought playing his acoustic Takamini.

"Hey Alex" Daisy said in a quiet tone. Alex turned to her, his face bruised.

"Daisy, I don't want you to be upset or angry" Daisy went to sit next to Alex.

"What happened?" she turned to Alex, examining his face. "Have you been in a fight? I tried calling Jack but-"

"Daisy, All time Low's finished. Jack won't even talk to me after last night, and I doubt he'll talk to you either. He found out, he found out about us. My mom won't even look me in the eye, she say's i've been stupid and irresponsible, but neither of them are able to understand that i've loved you since the day I set eyes on you, i'd give anything just to spend one night with you. Apparently Rian saw us together and told Jack. And you know Jack, he got mental. Came around my house at 2am and knocked on the door until my mom answered. He came up to me and we fought until the early morning, I didn't want it to happen like this, but it has and I just don't know what to do now.."

"Alex, I'm so sorry" Daisy looked up at Alex's face, he was nearly in tears. She'd never seen him cry before and she certainly didn't want to. "Please, Alex don't cry"

"Daisy, the band is over, because of me. What am I suppose to do?"

"Kiss me" Daisy leaned towards Alex and kissed him gently. Alex pulled slowly away from her.

"This isn't what I want Daisy. I'm trying to repair my friendship between me and Jack, not make it worse. Can't you see this isn't what I want? I love you, i've loved since I set eyes on you, but I can't. I can't do this to Jack, not anymore. I've hurt him enough already"

Daisy got up from sitting on the bed and began to walk out of the door, her eyes began to well up. She ran down the stairs, eager to put on her shoes and head home. Isabella turned to Daisy.

"Aww, are you upset? poor selfish little slut. Don't you realise what you've done? Didn't you think about the concequences, before you go sleeping your way through the whole band?"

"But it wasn't like that"

"Oh, please. We know that you "fell for Alex" but you didn't have to follow up your feelings by getting off with him every time possible. You've torn them all apart, can't you see that? Please. You've ruined both of their lives. Leave them alone and stay away before you ruin anyone elses career and life"

It was about 7 now. And it was beginning to get dark and no one was on the street.

Daisy walked down the road by herself wrapped in her hoodie that she wore earlier that day. Daisy eyes were full of tears.

 She could see a shadow walking down the road, and as it approached her she moved to the other side of the road, it continued following her.

 “Daisy?” said the voice.

 “Yeah?” she said, her voice breaking with tears. The shadow moved closer and Daisy began to raise her head.

 “Rian?” Daisy turned and began to approach.

“Yeah, what’s up?” Rian said in a comforting voice.

“Don’t even pretend you don’t know” Daisy said, now angry. “You told Jack that I was kissing Alex. How dare you!” 

“Daisy, listen-“

 “Save it for someone that gives a shit Rian, you’ve ruined everything, my whole relationship with Jack is in tatters, I don’t even know if we’re together, and as for All Time Low? I think it’s pretty safe to say that’s over too”

 “Daisy, please!” Rian grabbed Daisy by the wrist.

 “What the hell are you doing Rian?” Daisy said scared.

 Rian pulled Daisy to the side of the road, to the bench. “Listen here Daisy, don’t you dare for one second accuse ME of breaking up the band! Seeing as you’re the one who decided to get with Alex. You’re the one that decided to cheat on Jack. So don’t you even think for one second that I’m going to let you put the blame on me, because it’s your fault, and your fault alone. All I did was try to tell Jack something that you were doing behind his back. If you can’t handle trying to explain it to Jack, then why did you even cheat on him in the first place?”

 “Rian, I loved Jack, I really did. But things weren’t working out, and I just. I don’t know, Alex was there for me” 

“Ha-ha, so now you’re saying that Jack wasn’t there for you? Have you not seen the way he looks at you? How in love he is with you? If you wanted to be with Alex, sure. But how could you cheat on the man that has loved you since he set his eyes on you? Are you stupid?”

 “Just piss off Rian” Daisy pulled herself away from Rian. “You’re one to talk about ruining relationships”

 “Don’t you even dare”

 “Bye Rian!” Daisy said in a sarcasic voice as she began to walk off back down the street.

 Rian called after her, “He loves you, do you know that? He still loves you, after everything you’ve done, just tell him that you feel it back”

 “But I can’t!”

 “Why can’t you?”

 “Because I don’t love him back...” Daisy's voice trailed off as she walked away.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2011 ⏰

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