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Thx to homestuck-trash1234 for helping me write this chapter! Check out her story's if you like home stuck :)

"Are we there yet?" You wine, soldier giggles. "No not yet! We have only been in the truck for 5 minutes or so!"
"Yea but it feels like for ever!"
"Do I bore you (y/n)?"
"No, no I just.... Don't have anything to do."
"then ask me some questions about my self?"
"Ok... Where are we going?" You give him a little grin.
"Haha, no I don't mean that type of question, it's a secret!"
~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~
Soldier pulled up in font of a paint ball building.
"We're here!l
"Your taking me to paint ball for a first date?"
"Yes, training and having fun at the same time is perfect! Your a soldier remember!"
"Ha, I know."
"It going to be just you and I, to see who is best!"
"Ok, I don't think you can beat me!" You say jokingly, but being serious.
~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~
You and solider where putting your padding on, getting your guns and hiding before it was time to start. (I have never played paintball XD)
At first soldier was beating you, but you soon go in DA ZONE! In fact you turned the game around and beat soldiers ass!
"I beat you loser!"
"Haha sure you did!"
Soldier reached his hand out to you.
"Good game. (Gg wp get good XD)"
You went to shake his hand but he pulled you in for a kiss. At first you where shocked but you soon melted in to it, you both pulled away. Solider gave a smirk.
"Got you!".
~~~~time skip (lot of time skips haha, sorry)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
You and solider where sitting in the car.
"So where are we going now?"
"Where ever you and to go." Solider said as he rested his hand on your lap.
"How about a movie? I don't want to sit in some nice fancy restaurant with bruises all over me."
"Good point, what do you want to see?"
"How about (f/m), always wanted to see that!"
"Sounds great!"
After about 5 min of driving you and soldier arrived at the theatre just in time for the next show. You quickly grabbed your food and rushed to the theatre, you where lucky enough to have found two seats around the centre.
Solider was (laughing/crying/jumping in horror) it was fun to see what he had soft spots for. After the movie was over you and soldier discussed your favourite parts and such.
"I had an amazing day, thank you!" You thank walking up to the base.
"Any time!"
When you walked I've everybody was looking at both if you.
"Were have been!" Engi asked.
"We went out." Both of you replied.
"Like out on a date?" All of the guys asked. Solider smiled at the ground at looked back at you "yea." Solider grabbed your hand at started to walk towards you room. You could hear all the other mercs shoutin, ohhhhhhh.
"I had a lot of fun (y/n)."
Solider placed his hands on your neck moving in to kiss. Your lips connected. Solider tugged on your bottom lip asking to let him in. You opened your mouth a little and he moved his tongue in.
Moments later he pulled away and looked you in the eye.
"(Y/n) I love you."
"I love you too."
Solider went in for another kiss, this one more passionate then the one before. He started to slip his hand down your pulled his hand out. "I don't think I'm ready for that kind of stuff, your face was completely red. Solider gave you a tight hug.
"Ok well you have a good nights rest, I must go."
"You can sleep in here if you would like?" You ask him.
"No not tonight, I have to do something...At the moment."
"What do you have to do?"
He gave you a awkward smile and looked down. He had a badge in his pants, you quickly turned you head away. (Me screams down the hall: HE HAS A BONER!!!) and asked one question. "Why?"
His face was really red and you could tell he wanted to leave.
" because I have never meet anybody as amazing as you." And with that he left the room.
Sorry for the long chapter, there needed to be progress. Now that think about it did I even make progress.... Maybe XD

TF2 Solider x (Male/female)ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now