Hell no

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   Every day you have managed to give soldier and boner, or at lest a semi.
Medic has made a new rule for the time being that soldier and You are not aloud in the kitchen together with out supervision, he thinks we are going to have sex on the table. XD
It would be hot to but, solider wouldn't be down for that.

You haven't seen solider all morning so you went on a hunt to find him. You checked the bathroom,outside, living room. Every were!!!
You then started walking down the hall where all of the bedrooms were. You looked at soldiers door it was closed all the way, chances are he was in there. You looked around to make sure no one was in the area and you pressed your ear to the door.
"Ahhh fuck." You could here soldier moan.
Fucking jacking off again!!!!
You stayed there for a short while hearing him grunt and moan. You move away as you yourself was starting to get aroused.
Then you got and idea, it was mean and cruel but it would be all worth it in the end. It would finally give you a chance to see how big his dick was.

You waited till his moans got loader and his breathing was shallow, waiting for him to near his climax. When the time was right you busted open his door and charged in!
"Ohhhhhhh heeellllllllll noooooaaaaawww!" You say running up to him and slapping his hand that was on his dick. He quickly moved his hands over top of himself to cover up, but not before you got a little peek. With a erection he looked to be about 8-9 inches. Nice.

His face was red asa rose. He was quiet and just stared at you for a bit, then Spoke up in a very quiet voice. "Wha...what the fuck are you doin?"
You giggle a little and give him and evil smirk. "No more touching your self unless I say you may!"
"But... But why?" He was still in shock about the whole thing.
You lean down to his ear and whisper "Because your my bitch!"
You got up and left the room. You looked over at his bedroom door.
The knob was Broken and there was a dent in the center. You turn back to him "might want to get that fixed, it would be a shame to not be able to close your bedroom door."
You where walking down the hall and you heard soldier yell at you. "MAGGOT!"

Sorry for the lack of writing. I'm having a really hard time keeping my grades up. Even thought this Is a short chapter I felt like I should update.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2015 ⏰

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