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"Let me show you to your room"
You followed solider
When you came to the room he asked you to go first and as you passed by he put his hand on the small of your back.
He removed his hand once both of you where in the room. He walked over to a window and opened the blinds.
The room looked horrible, every thing was covered in a thick layer of dust.
"I'm sorry it not much this is the Guest room, and we don't get many guests here." Solider says with a little smile, reviling a perfect row of white.
Seeing  him smile, gave you butterflies in you stomach. You smiled back "don't worry I'll make it my own."
"Great, then I will leave you to unpack!"
He walked to the door way and then turned back to you, saluted and then left."
What a peculiar man.

TF2 Solider x (Male/female)ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now