s i x

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s i x

"My little nightingale, such pleasure to be in your presence once again."

"Think again, bitch." Florence kicked him in the face and took the chance of his fall to get up on her feet. Cora stood on her right, half transformed into a wolf and to her left was Allison with her crossbow.

Isak sped out of their reach and behind them. The gasp of Lydia had them spinning to her. The vampire stood behind the teenager with his claws against her throat and his fangs blares at them.

Allison clicked her crossbow and pointed at him but he tsked, wiggling a finger at her. "I would not do that if I were you little huntress." He then pointed at the Vamp-witch who was transformed, ready for a fight. "You have wat's mine and I need it back."

"If I save you trouble of saying no, would you leave?" He snorted as if that was a trick question. "I guess you asked for this." She hissed before speeding out of sight into the distance. "If you want her I suggest you do more chasing Isak."

A roar sounded from where he was before Florence heard his footsteps racing behind her. She brought a hand to her ear and talked to the girls, "Find the Nemeton, find your parents and leave as quick as you can." Just then heavy rain started causing her sigh and speed up.

Jumping over a log she turned around to find nobody following her. Worry filled her chest at the thought of Isak going back for the girls. A hand suddenly grabbed her by the neck and threw her a few feet into a tree trunk. Pain radiated through her back but she gave it no thought knowing it would heal fast.

A kick in the stomach had her falling onto her back coughing horrendously. A large boot stepped over her chest and pressed hard. "I guess you're back to where you started little one." Isak hissed. "Weak, hopelessly weak."

Florence tried to breath but the more time that passed the tighter her chest got, the heavier his foot got. "Seeing there's no possible way of you speaking without me crushing your lungs in, I suggest you listen to my proposal." When he leaned down he pressed harder at her causing her to whimper with wet eyes staring up at him. "For my child I will reward you with your brother."

Florence didn't know whether it was the lack of oxygen travelling to her brain or the news that was delivered but something had her head going fuzzy, blurring everything around her. "My brother is not alive, but nice try Longsdale."

He chuckled and nodded.

"And she's my child too, and I will not for the love of God give her away, especially to a psychopath." She choked out.

"If your brother is not alive then how do you explain my arrival here? Fletcher was a big help, and he would be all yours-"

"-If she gives you her child? I don't think so, little one." A large branch came swinging and knocked him to the side. Florence glanced up at her saviour and saw the silhouette of a tall man standing above her.


Smiling he grabbed her hand and helped her up. Thunder rumbled again, the rain increasing as they embraced. "No time for reunions. I hope the past 6 years were enough for you to actually get good at magic."

"Oh yeah," She said with a smirk then blared her vampire eyes to aid her in the dark. "More than enough."


Cora groaned as she lifted the broken pieces of wood from the sink hole. Lydia shone a light onto the opening and waited for Allison to enter. "Dad?"

"Allison? Stay back! Don't enter."

"Dad, I'm gonna need you to get the others and come out. We don't have enough time, please dad."

Another hole sunk in breaking the inside of cellar even more. Cora growled and looked over at the teenagers. "We going to have to go in. Come on," She held the door up while Allison entered. A piece of the stairs broke beneath her weight causing her leg to go through. she yelped in pain as she tried to pull herself out.

"Allison!" shouts came from both Lydia and Mr Argent. Cora tried to walk towards her but with both of them on the delicate stairs, it gave in and broke apart sending them to the ground with a crash. "Allison, Allison, are you okay?" Cora crawled over to her under all the wood and dust.

"I'm fine, get them, go."

Lydia screamed from above as another hole sunk in crashing on them. "Guys, I suggest you should hurry up! The whole place is going down."

Cora grabbed hold of Scott's mother, then helped lift her through the hole of the entrance and where Lydia pulled her up. Allison helped the sheriff before going up to help her father who Cora held up. Argent fell against the moist ground and almost slipped back in. More and more things came undone and before they knew it there was barely anywhere for Cora to climb upon.

Allison sat upon the Nemeton, "Hold on, grab on to this." She hung down a long branch and held on to it tightly. Cora looked at it reluctantly, contemplating whether the huntress could pull her up. Allison saw the hesitance in her eyes and leaned forward. "I've got you, I promise. Just hold on tight."

Cora grabbed the branch and used the pile of wood on the floor to push her up further while Allison tried her best to pull her up. A grunt of struggle escaped her as she took Allison's awaiting hand and heaved herself on to the Nemeton.

"Come on girls," Melissa said urging them to get as far from the sink hole as possible. The two girls obeyed and jumped off the Nemeton to where the others were waiting.

Allison turned to the werewolf who clenched her jaw and looked over at her. "Thanks for saving me." The Hale girl muttered.

"You saved me first, I guess we're even."

"Yeah, well I could've easily jumped so.."

Allison nodded understandingly. "And I could've easily pulled through.- Good job Hale."

"Back at you Argent."


"Operation save the parents, done. Whatever is happening with Florence, we've lost connection with her." Boyd said minimising the girls' tab and going to Florence's. "She must've dropped her ear piece somewhere."

"Or she did it on purpose." Peter commented. "The last conversation didn't sound like something she wanted us to hear.

Isaac shook his head. "It doesn't matter, she has help now." He turned to the monitor. "How's Derek coming along? The eclipse finished three minutes ago."

"Let's just hope he and Scott have an upper hand over Jennifer." Boyd mumbled. He pressed the red button that connected the speaker with Derek's ear pierce. "Derek, come in, Derek."

Silence was received back. The werewolves looked at each other with concern. "Derek-"

"Yeah, I'm here. We're both here." The tension died down with relief taking place. "Jennifer escaped but I don't think she'll be back any time soon. We're coming home."

Isaac grinned high fiving Boyd. They were all okay. They were okay.

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