e i g h t

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e i g h t

The familiar sound of teleporter rang in the short distance of the porch of an old house that stood on a highland surrounded by nothing but trees and nature.

"I honestly think telling me about your daughter would've made some sort of difference in this whole situation." Derek commented quietly not taking his eyes off of the house.

Florence raised an eyebrow. "Really? I'm sure it would, because if Derek Hale knows everything, everything will be okay(!)" Fletcher chuckled and Derek rolled his eyes.

The werewolf placed a hand on her arm gaining her attention. "Hey, - uh, if we die in here... I just want you to - uh know...." Florence stared at him with soft confused eyes as he sucked in a shaky breath.

She held his hand and squeezed it. "Tell me later yeah?" Derek understood this. It wasn't her brushing it off, it was giving hope. She knew they would survive the fight. "Alright, slay any vampire ass that comes in your path." When the men nodded she broke down the door and entered.

As she thought the coven had already found their way in. A gang of vampires were stood around the foyer of the house, blood on the floor and dripping from their mouths. They all turned to the new comers with silver eyes and wide open mouths.

Florence pulled up two shot guns and began firing at them. A tall one came charging at her, she whacked him with the base of the gun then kicked him in the shin bringing him to his knee. She grabbed hold of his neck and chin and twist his head with a crack causing him to fall limb by her feet.

Leaping with the aid of the wall as his step Derek bashed a man's skull into the wall before sending a kick at another.

The fight carried on gruesomely as they made their way through the house, taking down any vampire that crosses their path. Florence sped upstairs pushing a woman with golden hair off the edge. She called for Salina but no answer.

"Gargh!" Florence grunted when a full weight fell upon her, claws piercing into her skin and blood dropping from her neck where the vampire held onto. She elbowed it in the face twice before taking it by the hands and swinging it over her shoulder and onto the floor in front of her. Bringing out her gun she shot her in the head with the blue disintegrator bullet that immediately disintegrated her.

Florence stepped over her and walked to a bedroom then opened it to reveal Salina laying on the floor, blood pooling around her, her face pale and dry. The vamp-witch hurried to her and checked her pulse immediately. It was low but it was there. Ripping open a skin on the wrist Florence fed the woman her blood in hopes of healing her quickly.

"Come on, Salina wake up." The woman's eyes were heavy but they began to open slightly.

"Elisha... go. Go to her."

Florence nodded and pulled away from her then walked back out of the room and headed down the hall. The door of the room that belonged to Elisha was barely open, just a smidge.

There was no way stopping the racing of her heart as she opened it even more. What Florence saw then could've topped her heart permanently.

Elisha sat on the floor playing with her toys as Isak sat on the bed behind her, petting her head fondly. His eyes raised up to meet hers and he smiled wickedly. "Hello,"

The little girl looked up and grinned before standing up to greet her mother. Isak kept a hold of her hand however, not letting her go. "Mummy! Daddy got me a new toy!"

"Daddy?" The word could hardly form in her mouth without leaving a trace of bile. Isak just smirked. Florence acted on the anger that rose in her chest and raised the gun in her hand and albeit to the gasp that sounded from her daughter she shot in the shoulder of the vampire.

Isak laughed hoarsely. "Don't worry, munchkin, this is just a little game your mummy and I like to play isn't it dear?"

"What are your intentions with my daughter?"

"I think you mean our daughter. And honestly I just want to get to know her. Be there as she grows."

"And then what?"

Isak frowned. "What else would come after that? - oh wait, I get it."


"She would get married and have kids." Isak finished with a smile. Florence scowled at him, his act of innocence was wearing off and Florence was getting rather tired of it. She shot again in the other shoulder and this time he acted upon it, dropping the girl before speeding over to Florence and pinning her against the wall. "Now you listen to me, Florence Jones, Elisha is just as much my daughter as she is yours so I suggest you play nice and get over it."

Florence hissed, "Over my dead body."

"That can be arranged." Isak bit back. Soon after the two flew out of the window heading straight to the ground beneath.

Blood splattered on Florence as she plunged the dagger in his chest in range. He laughed like a maniac. "I like it when you're angry."

Florence glared at him and removed the knife. "Burn in hell, son of a bitch."

"This is hell but try your best." Florence got up and before he could try anything she shot him between the eyebrows. The blue acid spread rapidly then exploded within him, disintegrating his body.

Staring at the lifeless body turning into ash in front of her gave Florence a great deal of relief. A whole weight was lifted off her shoulders.

"Mum!" A cry came from behind her. Florence hugged Elisha to her chest and kissed her head. "It's alright, sweetie. I've got you."

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