Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans

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So basically I've never did this before but then Larry_Lashton_Niam tagged me in her awesome ass teen wolf books, so here goes nothing.

•you must post all of the rules
•you must tag thirteen people.
•you must post thirteen facts about yourself
•you must answer the given questions and create additional questions
•you cannot say I don't do tags
•tag backs are allowed
•you must complete the tag in a week or else
•be creative with the title!


1. I live in a city in England called Bristol.

2. My name is sage

3. I'm turning sixteen in like a week or so.

4. I was born on Feburary 1st

5. I've never been to a concert before (lame I know, but whatevs)

6. I would die to attend a Justin Bieber concert or Ariana Grande

7. I'm a major feminist not because it's cool and all and like Beyoncé rules the world but because of my culture and their sexism. My whole household is freaking sexist and sometimes I wish I was born into a different family, especially since I'm the only girl (my little sis don't count being 2) and my parents act like I have to do everything around the house and that phrase, oh god that phrase! Girls belong in the kitchen and boys don't and shouldn't know how to cook! Damn son, why you do me like that? I ain't even mad though (Yes I am!) they just be calling themselves idiots and real dependant assholes who don't even know how to turn on the stove. At least us girls can live on our own by ourselves, work at our jobs (be good at it) and cook and clean for ourselves where as them jerks be trying to find them self a wife to stay home for them.

8. The worst thing about being a feminist in a tough culture, race or religion is that the people you try to convince of feminism are like a thousand old with the brains of people from Noah's younger years, their beliefs are so strong that even the women don't see a problem in men treating them like fucking slaves. (Damn I'm ranting, sorry)


9. My dream car is and will always be a Jaguar XJ, White. It's just so hot.

10. I would like to design when I'm older, maybe clothes, houses, rooms and stuff.

11. I'm great at art, I suppose.

12. My one wish in all of the world is for Scydia to finally become a canon.

13. I'm a very casual girl, you'd never see me over do anything -except books or essays- everything about me is casual and it's nice I like it.

Bonus: I know this may be typical but I'm not that social unless it's with friends that are really close to me. Like at home I'd rather stay locked in my room with my phone and books until one of my parents pull me out and into the living room so I can socialise but in all honesty I don't give a crap about what the fam talk about, so I instead bury my face in my Harry Potter Books. [major potterhead over here]

Answered given questions

Q. Joe Jonas or Justin Bieber?
A. Justin Bieber duh, belieber since forever and his songs just make me feel super duper happy because I love the way his voice calms me. His personality is just completely lovable and yeah

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