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s e v e n

Wood creaked beneath her as Florence entered the old abandoned house. She seemed to have lost Isak on the way, the rain drained out her scent so he was unable to follow her.

Entering the old Hale house she locked the old door behind her and leaned against, panting heavily. "I'm sorry, Ms Hale." She whispered before grabbing the couch and pulling it up against the door even though she knew it wouldn't be able to stop the vampire.

"Shit, I could really use your help right about now mum." She mumbled then stepped back awaiting for anything to happen. She's dealt with spirits before, ghosts even, it wouldn't be just a leap to want to communicate with her family.

Shuffling was heard from below her, and Florence took that as a sign to go into the cellar. As soon as she entered the cold dark basement a force of energy blasted at her, she could only describe it as the spirits inside. The two families that died in there.

"Honey," A ghostly whisper came from behind her causing her to jump with fright. The white figure stood only a few feet away.


"Shh, it's okay. I'm here. I'll always be here." She cooed walking closer to her. "What's wrong my child?"

Florence shivered at the cold hand that pressed against her cheek. She looked at the empty eyes of her mother and sucked in a shaky breath. "I had a child with a vampire and... he wants her back."

"Then why don't you give it to him. Honey, you're hurt, don't let him hurt you because of the child."

"I can't. He wants more than just to have my daughter. He wants to rule with her, start wars over her."

Her mother tilted her head. "Is she really worth it?"

"Yes, mum. I can't believe you're even asking that."

"Too bad." The soft voice of her mother changed to a hoarse heavy one. The white ghostly light faded and before Florence could do anything she was lifted into the air by the neck. "If you're not going to tell me where you've taken her, I guess I'll just have to pry it out of you." Isak hissed with his fangs blared at her. He lowered his head into her neck and pierced into her skin, drawing out a leak of blood.

Florence cried out in defeat as he devoured her taste. She kicked around but there was no use, he was a ten times more experienced and stronger vampire than she was. He sighed after getting his fill and pulled away. "I am awfully sorry it had to come down to that. Maybe next time you'll listen and do as you're told."

"You're a sick bastard." She hissed between gritted teeth.

Isak shrugged and said, "I guess, but it's my best trait honey." And without another word he dropped her and sped out of the basement, leaving her on the floor bruised and hurt both physically and emotionally. A sob escaped her as she thought about what he would do if he found her.


"SAM connect me with Salina LeJeune, pinpoint her location and send the co-ordinates to the teleporter." Florence ordered as soon as she entered her house, ignoring the stares she got from the people that awaited her. She passed Derek and walked over to the silver cabinet.

"Florence," Derek called to her. She ignored it. Tapping in the code she opened the cabinet and pulled out a shot gun. If the room was silent before, it was dead now. "Florence, what are you doing with that?"

"Hunting down a bloody vampire." She responded. 'Ms Jones connected with Salina LeJeune.' "Salina, I need you to do me a little favour."

"Sure, what's up honey?"

"Isak is on his way over to get Elisha, I need you to get her to safety - away from him ASAP. I'll be there in just a few." Salina dialled off after agreeing. Zipping up the knee high boots she put on, Florence turned and grabbed hold of weapons that she strapped around her body. She got out another black leather trench coat and pulled it on.

A hand grabbed her arm and she forced herself to turn to its owner. Derek looked down at her with sympathy. "Let me come with you."

"What for?" She asked. "I have everything under control." she loaded a silver shot gun and strapped it onto her thigh.

"Where'd you get all of this anyway?" Cora asked.

"Salina and her friend Marcus didn't want me here alone with no weaponry protection." Florence shrugged then walked over to the Monitor and took the spare S.W.A.P watch on the desk and put it on.

Fletcher who had come with her crossed his arms over his chest as he looked at her. She felt his eyes bore onto her but paid it no mind. "You'll need as much help as you can Florence."

"I don't think so. This is my problem, I need to fix it. My blood started this and if it has to end that way, so be it."

"Well I'm blood and I think that gives me a ticket to the bloodbath." She watched from the corner of her eye as he got out a gun and clicked it. "I may not know her but Elisha is my niece and I'm doing whatever it takes to keep her safe. Good thing dad showed me how to shoot a gun a couple years back."

Florence smiled genuinely at him, touched at his efforts to protect family no matter what. Derek cleared his throat. "I may not be good at shooting a gun but I'm pretty good with these." His claws expanded out of his hands and his eyes flashed blue as opposed to the red.

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