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Sasha moved a piece of hair out of Ashley's eyes, a cut ran from the end of her eyebrow down to her cheek bone, she had another from her hairline to the arch of her eyebrow as well as bruises on her cheek and eyes. 'Ash?' Sasha asked quietly 'why did you do it?' She bit her lip waiting for Ashley to get mad at her for asking. Ashley looked up at her and bit her lip 'I don't know sash.. I was gonna take the alcohol to shays but I went to Warner brothers and that's all I remember..'. Sasha stroked her cheek gently biting her lip 'shay said you called her, you were on the phone to her when you had the crash'. 'I should've died in that crash' ashley muttered quietly enough that she didn't think Sasha would hear it. 'Don't you dare say that' Sasha sat up slightly as her eyes filled with tears. 'Don't you fucking dare', 'language sash'. Sasha shook her head getting off the bed 'I just need some air' she mumbled leaving the room.

Outside the three other girls sat drinking their coffee when Sasha came out, her eyes streaming with tears. She sat on the bench getting a packet of cigarettes out of her bag. The other three girls all looked at each other before looking back at Sasha, 'Um what do you think you're doing?' Troian said grabbing the packet out of her hand, Sasha moved her hand before she could get it and lit one before putting it in her mouth 'get off my case' she said pulling her legs up to her chest. She put her forehead on her knees taking a deep breath. Lucy made her way back inside whilst the other two sat either side of Sasha, shay rubbed her back gently as Sasha shook her head 'she's fucking mental'. Shay shook her head 'no she isn't sash, she's just grieving', 'she told me, she should've died in that crash, I don't want to lose her shay' Sasha looked up with tears falling down her cheeks. 'You won't, I promise' shay and troian both wrapped their arms around her kissing her forehead gently.

Lucy made her way back into Ashley's room, it was quiet, Ashley's eyes were shut. 'I know you're not asleep Ashley', Ashley let out a breath before sitting up 'I'm not in the mood luce' she mumbled 'just leave me alone'. Lucy shook her head and sat on the chair next to the bed. 'whatever you said to Sasha has really shook her up so I don't care whether you're in the mood Ashley, I want answers'. Ashley rolled her eyes before turning away from her. 'Fine. You stay here and I'll go and get Tyler and you..', 'NO!' Ashley yelled biting her lip 'sorry, I just, I can't see him'. 'This is what it's about isn't it? It's Tyler', Ashley sat up slightly 'I.. I can't face him, I can't look at him knowing what I did, I know he hates me'. Lucy didn't say anything, she watched as tears fell from Ashley's eyes. 'I..I can't do this anymore', Lucy shook her head 'you just need time ash, you'll be back to yourself soon enough'. 'We were gonna call her summer, and her room is yellow with a sun set picture above her crib. There's a mobile above her crib, it's woodland creature themed. And there's a bear in her crib ready for when she's born..... Would've been born' she was sobbing at the end of telling Lucy this, she hit her head in her hands as Lucy rubbed her back gently, tears fell from Lucy's eyes as she watched her best friend fall apart.  'I'm sorry ash, I'm so sorry'.

A/N - I'm so happy you guys are liking this story. Thank you so much for all your lovely comments and for voting. Thanks for baring with me whilst I was away, I am now back home. I am writing this story as I go now so I'm updating as soon as I write it. So sorry if the updates are irregular.

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