The fight (part 1)

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Imagine. You and Darren are dating for a few months now. You are not living together yet, but you spend most of your time at his house. When you get back from work, you went back in Darren's home. "What an amazing day" you ironically thought. Darren wasn't here yet, so you decided to wait for him on the couch. When he finally come back you say "Oh babe! I'm so happy to see you, I just had the wors-" "What did you do?" he asks you. "Thanks for asking. I'm fine" you answer sacarstically. "What's 'that'?" you ask, seing him furious. "Did you post a photo on Twitter?" "Uhm, yeah, like yesterday" "What did my manager told you y/n? You can't do that!". 'Great, worst day ever' you thought. "What's wrong with my pic? It's just a pic of you and me! There's not even a caption! If Lea or Chris posted this, would you say this to them?" "It's not the same, and you know it!" he exclaims loudly. "Oh because they can do what they want?" "You can too!" "Oh really? Let's enumerate the things that I can't do because of your fucking managers or publicist" you said, starting to feel all your anger in your voice. "I can't post anything about you and me, not even a pic of your house or of Paramount! I can't talk about you, even if fans or paparazzis ask about you! I can't-" "y/n you knew all of this before we start dating, you still wanted this" "Oh no Darren I do not want this! What I want is to be with you, to have a relationship with you, not with your publicist or your manager!" "Oh come on grow up a little y/n! Being an adult is about knowing the rules and following them!" "Being an adult is about making your own rules, Darren!" you scream. "I spend my whole life following rules of others people and I will not let anyone tell me what to do from now on!" you say, walking to the front door. "Y/n..." You quickly take your purse and your coat and open the doorbell. "Where are you going?" Darren asked. "Outside of this house! Or maybe do I have to call your manager first?" you add, before slamming the door.

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