Part 2

477 13 18

POV Mitch

I sat back on the sofa with my feet up as I watched my strong boyfriend Scott working out in front of me. He was doing a bunch of push ups and sits up and other athletic stuff. He tried to get me to do it with him but I decided to pass on that because... I don't know, laziness? Still, it was great to see Scott in a tank top and gym shorts flexing for me.

While I watched him, I was on my phone texting Avi. Ever since the day I met him 5 days ago we always texted each other back and forth and we were really hitting it off already. Though it did make me truly realize how much dork he was, but then again so was I so I couldn't judge.

Me: No, I will not watch Dragon Ball Z with you!!

Avi: But why not?

Me: Because I'm not a nerd like you

Avi: Lies

Me: Hey, you don't know me

Avi: I know that you're gluten free, you're a DJ, you love SpongeBob SquarePants like an unhealthy amount, you're really sassy and sarcastic, and you have a good eye for fashion

Me: Ok, ok, those are all true. You know, I should take you shopping some time

Avi: I'd actually be down for that. Get me some Ace Studs, or Löwêwè, or something!

I chuckled, shaking my head at his silliness.

Me: Okay first of all, **Acne Studios and **Loewè, second of all, only if you pay for it with money from your own pocket!

"Hey, what's so funny?" Scott asked, starling me.

"Ah, nothing. I just texted Kirstin some dumb inside joke from like fifty years ago," I replied smoothly.

Scott nodded and went back to exercising, starting with some squats.

I realize that it was probably wrong of me to lie to Scott but it was also probably for the best. If Scott knew I was texting some guy he'd make a big deal out nothing and jump to some conclusions.

Avi: Oh yeah, I also know one more thing about you

Me: And that is ???

Avi: I know you have a huge crush on me.

Me: As if!

The blush that crept on my face said otherwise.

Avi: Lol ok, it was worth a shot.

"Whew, okay Mitchy, I'm gonna take a shower and then head out to work," Scott said, wiping the sweat off his forehead.

I pouted, put my phone back in my pocket and stood up. "Aw, you're leaving me again?"

"Yeah, you know I have to. We've got bills to pay."

"I'll come with you!"

Scott laughed, placing his hands on his hips. "What, so you can distract me?" I shrugged. "Just go out with some friends. I'll be back home by 8 tonight, sharp!"

I sighed. "If you insist. Can I have a hug," I inquired holding my arms out to him.

He shook his head and backed away. "You definitely do not want to do that, I smell terrible!"

"I don't care!" Against his protests, I wrapped my arms tightly around Scott's waist and leaned my cheek on his shoulder. "Love you, Scott."

"Love you too, Mitch," Scott said, hugging me back. After a bit, he released me and made his way upstairs to the bathroom.

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