Part 3

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[A/N: This is rated R for smut so you can skip this entire chapter if you're opposed to smut or if you just don't like poorly written smut.]


"So... can you top?"

I double took, not sure if I heard him correctly. "I'm sorry, what?"

Avi's face was completely red. He cleared his throat and repeated, enunciating every syllable, "Can you top?"

I blinked. Scott has never asked me to top before, it was just some unspoken rule we had. Not that I always had some sort of secret desire to do it, it's just never crossed my mind, not even in my wildest dreams (by Taylor Swift on iTunes). I could be dominate and I was very good at it, but still I've never done it as a top. Now that Avi brought it up though, I was eager to try it.

"I can try," I said, pulling him in for another kiss.

Fiercely, he kissed me back, sticking his tongue in my mouth. I could still taste the sugary goodness of the cake balls from earlier. He gripped my arms tightly, almost making me wince in pain.

Absentmindedly, I slowly unzipped his sweatshirt and pulled it off of his shoulders. His lips left mine and then went to attack my jawline and neck making me gasp in pleasure. There would definitely be a few marks on me after this was over, but luckily I had my concealer with me.

My hands slid down from his chest, past his stomach, stopping at his crotch so I could massage him through his jeans. He hardened with my groping.

Avi pulled away for a moment so he could pull off his shirt and then my sweater right after so that we were both shirtless in front of each other.

With a smirk I caressed his biceps, squeezing them with my fingers. "You're so muscly, I love it."

Avi silenced me by sloppily shoving his lips back onto mine, sucking my bottom lip. He had his hands busy unbuttoning my jeans and then sliding them down my waste. I kicked them off my ankles sending them to the floor. I moaned at the sensation of Avi gripping me through the fabric of my boxer briefs. I was now completely hard in his hand. Avi smiled into our kiss, satisfied with his work.

I pulled away and went to give him featherlight kisses on his neck and all over his hairy chest, my tongue exploring every inch of his skin like I was trying to memorize him. I was extra careful to not get any hairs in my mouth. I spent extra time on his nipples, swirling my tongue around his hard peaks. I was so needy that I wrapped my arms around his back, pulling him closer to me. I couldn't take it anymore when I felt him caress my ass cheeks and begin to squeeze them until they were tender.

I undid Avi's belt and unbuttoned his jeans with nimble fingers and tore them off his legs along with his boxer briefs. I took off my own boxer briefs and went right to grinding our cocks together, creating more friction.

I placed my hand on his chest, staring deep into his lust filled emerald eyes. We were both very desperate for release. Gently, I pushed him down on the bed, making sure that he was comfortable. I slid down so that my lips were mere inches away from his erection.

I started by tantalizingly slow licking from his tip and down his shaft. I did it several times before I finally took his tip into my mouth, my warm lips wrapping around him, and my eyes glued to his to see his reaction. Avi's eyes rolled to the back of his head as I took him in further. I began bobbing my head up and down in a steady rhythm. I could get off just listening to his moans and shallow breaths that were in sync with my rhythm; they were music to my ears.

Repeatedly, he gyrated his hips, pushing his cock deeper, almost like he was fucking me in my mouth. The sensual sounds he made clouded my mind and made it hard for me to focus. I sucked and swallowed hard around him before releasing him with a 'pop'.

I bit my bottom lip anxiously. "Okay, so I've never topped before so I don't know exactly where to even start."

Electricity was still running through Avi's body. "You can start by getting the lube and condom in the bedside table," he replied, very out of breath.

"Good idea," I said with a smile.

I tore the wrapper, carefully rolled the condom over myself, and finally applied the lube. I crawled over Avi, in between his legs, so that my cock was lined up with his entrance. I was going to make him see stars if it's the last thing I do.

"You ready?"

He just nodded.

I spread his thighs apart more. I held in a deep breath and began to push in, Avi already moaning. It was definitely a tight squeeze. I paused for a moment, releasing my breath, not sure if I should continue.

"Is this good?" I asked him.

He nodded vigorously, "Yes, please keep going!"

I smiled smugly and began to slowly and gingerly thrust all the way in and all the way out of him. Being on top gave me a much different sensation than what I was used to. It was as if I was seeing through different eyes.

In an impulse, had his legs wrapped around my waist pushing me so that I could somehow be closer to him in any way possible.

I wanted to make this moment with him to last and be as pleasurable as it could, since that in time, we wouldn't have the luxury to do this again.

I quickened my pace and Avi's gasps of pleasure quickened with me. I had both of my hands on the sides of his shoulders and he fiercely grabbed onto my biceps, digging into me with his nails. He was a much stronger guy than me, but the pain only added to the pleasure.

At this point now, I was overcome with the pleasure and power of being on top that I became a little carried away. I was mercilessly pounding into him, grunting with every slam against him. My bangs were a mess, in my eyes and sticking to my forehead with sweat. I wasn't sure if I could even remember Scott's name. I wouldn't have remembered my own name had it not been for Avi screaming it to the heavens.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" Avi cursed, his face tomato red. He was getting closer now.

I gripped onto his now throbbing cock and pumped him in perfect time with my thrusts. Avi's eyes rolled to the back of his head and absentmindedly, his hands gripped my arms even harder, his nails starting to draw blood. I bit my tongue hard to suppress a scream.

With an arch of his back, a white liquid shot out from Avi's erection, coating my stomach and his chest. I gasped when I felt his ass clench even tighter around me. He released his death grip on my biceps and fell back, limp on the bed as I still pounded into him.

I slowed my pace as pressure and tenseness was building up in my balls. With a couple more slow, but powerful thrusts, I found my release.

I pulled out, and collapsed on the bed next to him, trying to catch my breath. We were both still basking in the afterglow.

"That was... amazing," Avi said, awestruck, "are you sure you've never topped before?"

I giggled, pushing the bangs out of my face. "Yes, 100%. Though I think I might be a little obsessed now."

I scooted over so now I was lying on top of him, cuddling his chest.

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