Part 4

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I looked up at the grizzly man with his arms wrapped tightly around me. I studied his face; he looked like he was thinking really hard about something.

"Avi, what's wrong?" I inquired.

"It's just... I don't know, I finally found someone I actually care about... and I don't wanna give you up."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I want you to stay with me," he said, bluntly.

I laughed slightly, making light of the situation. "Avi, I couldn't possibly stay with you," I stated as if it were obvious. "You're just a phase, you know that, right?" That sounded a lot less rude in my head. It was the truth though.

He sighed defeatedly. "It's just that I've always been super confused about everything of myself my entire life. I was confused about my sexuality for the longest time; I was confused about what I wanted to do for a living; I was confused about whether or not I should drop everything to sing bass for this acappella group on some reality TV competition, which I didn't; and I'm confused about everything else. Then for the first time I find out exactly who I want and I'm finally sure of some aspect of my life but then I found out I can't have them. I just really like you and I'm not sure if I'll be able to move on when this is over," he answered quickly.

I sat up on the bed and looked him in the eyes. "Listen, you are a great, smart, and handsome man. It's perfectly okay that you still haven't figured everything out yet. One day you'll find another man or woman who will love just as much as you love me; except then you won't love me anymore because you've moved on," I reassured him confidently.

"It's not that simple," Avi said frustratedly. "I only want someone like you but you're also completely unique."

"I'm flattered that you would think that, but trust me. You just have to look."

Avi sighed again, "You're right. Hey, you should probably get back to your place before Scott finishes work." I saw the sadness in his eyes but I didn't have time to dwell on it.

"Oh, you're right," I said as I clambered out of bed and picked up all of my stray clothes strewn carelessly around the room.

He changed the subject. "And I forgot to say, I really love your tattoos," Avi remarked, sitting up in bed.

A blush crept up on my face. "Thank you so much! Do you think you would ever get one?"

He laughed, "No thanks! I don't think I want anything on my body that's permanent."

"I love it because each tattoo creates a memory of what I was really into at the time, regardless of whether or not I'm still into it. Though the SpongeBob and Patrick tattoo I think represents more of a lifetime obsession," I half-joked, as I put my sweater on over my head. I zipped up my jeans and put on my boots.

I went over to Avi and sweetly pecked him on the cheek.

"Alright, I've gotta go. This was seriously really fun. Text me!" I said before leaving.

I picked up my Cèline handbag, hung it on my arm and I was out the door.

I sped home as fast as I could in my car and I was relieved to find that Scott's car wasn't in the drive way yet. Of course Scott still had an hour and a half left of work, but I worried that of all the days he could choose to come home early, it'd be this one. Luckily it wasn't. This left me with enough time to cover the marks on my skin with concealer.

I dashed inside and went straight up to the bathroom. In the mirror I applied the concealer to all of the marked areas on my skin and soon enough they looked like they had never been there in the first place. A wave of relief washed over me as I sauntered downstairs and crashed on the couch. After the rush of adrenaline I had driving here and the activities I did with Avi earlier, my energy was drained. After just closing my eyes, I was immediately asleep.

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