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Imagine. You have a secret. You never told anybody, ever. Since you're a little girl, you wrote songs. Songs about everything at first, like on your dolls or school, but while you grew up, your songs did the same to become more mature. You're not really an expressive person, so you write songs about what you want to say or what disturbs you. You've always kept your songs in your pedestal table. One day, Darren and you were at your loft, when he goes in your room, searching for something. After he searched in every drawers of your room, he said "Babe, I can't find this thing!" and opened your pedestal drawer. A little confused about what he saw, he took a few pieces of the papers so he could read it later. You never heard about this story, until today. A special day. It's the first show of Darren's, the first concert of his first solo tour. It's in his hometown, San Francisco. A few of his Glee and Starkid castmates took a flight to be here. You went to see Darren in his bus tour before the show. When the show started, you felt proud and so happy to see him on that stage. You know how much he loves it. You scream at every song, and you and Darren's friends enjoyed a great night. Some Glee's and Starkid's went on stage with him to sing. At the end of the show, for the final song, Darren says: "That was amazing guys! But uhm... I got one last song". You heard the fans scream of joy. Darren add "You never heard this one, I didn't write it but uhm... The song is fantastic! So I'm gonna sing it to you...". Lea says "Oh my god I didn't know he worked with someone else! Who is it?" "I have no idea!" you answered. When the music started, you hear the fans screaming "i love you" or "oh my gosh" at the calm melody. You look at him and grin. When you heard the first sentence, your smile disappears. "I could write and books in my sleep, without thinking too deep". 'Oh God no' you thought. You raise your hand at your mouth as the tears fill your eyes. All the Glee cast member turn to see Starkid members 'Did you wrote this?' Chord ask. "No That's not us" answers Lauren, giggling. "I don't know who did but it's amazing!" add Kevin. Chris turns to see you, and asks "What's going on?" "That's... That's... That's my song" you say, confused. As Darren finish the first verse, he quickly searches for you in the room. When he saw you, he just grins and continues to sing. You didn't really know how to react about that. The love of your life is singing one of your songs, to all his fans. 'I mean, I didn't even prepare myself psychologically to that' you thought. He's seriously doing that? 'That's amazing'. You sing along with him "Just to tell you I need you in a way that will be heard" as your smile slowly reappears on your face, ear to ear. At the end of the song, you dry your tears. You and Darren's friends went backstage, where Darren waited for you. When you see him, you just run and jump in his arms, hugging him tight. "So...you liked it?" he asks as he put you down. "I don't know! I mean, you were amazing but...actually I don't know if I should be happy about it or super mad at you now..." He laugh. "But I will find out!" you say, grinning. "I bet you'll be happy about it" he add, and kiss you. "You can't be mad at me" he whispers, and settle on your lips a sweet kiss. You heard someone fake coughing behind you. As yours and Darren's lips get unstuck, you pretended to clear your throat. "Well!" you add, "We'll see to that later Mr. Criss!" you whispers at him. As you walk away, you saw his wry smile. He was right. How could you even consider being mad at him?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2015 ⏰

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