Chapter 3: day with the boys

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Hey sorry I haven't updated lately I have been really busy with school and I get my license next week so really nervous! But enough about me here we go.


Chapter 3:

I woke up the next morning and texted Scott: 'Hey Scott! I just woke up I was thinking we could have breakfast and then take Izzy's Jeep to a secret swimming hole I know about. Let me know!'

I got up and woke Izzy up," Hey, I'm gonna go make some pancakes and sausage, you want some?"

Izzy," Sure I'll take some. Is Scott coming?"

"I don't know he hasn't texted me back ......" As soon as I was about to finish my phone buzzed. 

Scott: ' I would love to go with you guys but my mom said that Matt has to come too. Is that ok with you guys?'

I quickly texted back: 'Yeah that will be fine as long as he promises to behave himself. Bring your swimming stuff and some towels. I'm making pancakes and sausage if you guys want to come eat with us.'

'Ok, we will be right over after we get our stuff.'

'See ya then.'

"Yeah, they are coming. We are going to the swimming hole in your Jeep after we eat. Let's go cook and pack a picnic lunch," I said to Izzy.

She replied," They? Matt and Scott both are coming? Matt had better behave or I'm gonna be pissed!"

"That's what I told Scott but their mom said he could only go if Matt went too."

"Ok let's go ahead and get in our bikini's and clothes that way we can just leave from downstairs. We'll grab towels on our way down."

"Good idea."

After getting dressed in our bikini's, tank tops, and short shorts we grabbed towels from the closet in the hall and went down the stairs.

Right went the pancakes and sausage were done there was a knock on the door. I yelled," COME IN!" The door opened and two very hot looking Drift boys walked into my kitchen. I was sitting up on the counter and Izzy was putting the last pancake on the plate. Matt came straight over to me and held his hands out to help me off the counter.

"Thanks,Matt. Even though you are a suck up," I said. Sticking my tongue out as he helped me down.

"Well did it work?" He asked politely then added," I'm sorry for the way I acted."

"Yes, it worked, suck up!"

"Good I'd hate for you to be mad at me," he said with a sincere look on his face.

I hadn't noticed I was still in Matt's arms until Scott coughed from the dinning table. I just giggled and went to help put stuff on the table.

After eating and loading the dish washer we grabbed the picnic basket, our towels and loaded up in the jeep which didn't have the top on. Izzy and Scott sat up front with the picnic basket at Scott's feet since Izzy was driving and Matt and I sat in the back.

Apparently, at some point, we had started holding hands because when we got there and I tried to get up he pulled my hand to stop me. As I turned to him he put his hands on both sides of my face and kissed me on lips. Something inside me took over and when he licked my bottom lip I let him in. We finally pulled away after we heard a cough behind us.

We both turned to see Izzy and Scott standing there staring at us. I looked at Matt and we both burst out laughing. Matt turned to me and asked," So do you wanna be my girlfriend?"

I replied," We just met, Maybe eventually though if you dont act like you did last night."

~~ Matt's POV~~

I grabbed her face and kissed her again. I licked her bottom lip asking for entrance and Niki slowly opened her mouth and let me in.

After about two or three minutes we finally broke apart. She was about to stand up and get out of the jeep when I said," Hold on. Let me get out first then I'll help you out."

Niki replied," Ok."

I stood up and jumped out of the back of the jeep landing on my feet a few feet away. I turned back to her and held out my arms to her. When she stepped closer I wrapped my arms around her waist and lifted her from the jeep and stood her on the ground in front of me.

~~ Niki's PIC~~

I sat there and waited for him to get out of the jeep. He stood and jumped out the back landing on his feet. He turned around and I stood up. He wrapped his arms around my waist and lifted me up and out of the car standing me in front of him.

So the swimming hole was apart of this river that ran through the east part of town and went through the woods near by. A couple summers ago I was running and found an old dirt road that led to this beautiful 16 ft deep swimming hole. There was a rock ledge that hung over the water that you could jump off of. A small waterfall was over to the side that you could slide down and a green grassy area right on the edge of the water where we are going to lay out our huge blanket.

I was the first one in the water because the guys weren't used to the colder water. I just jumped off the ledge straight into the water. I yelled to the boys as Izzy got in," It is easier just to jump in rather than walk in." So the boys both Canonballed into the water right in front of us.

We spent the whole day at the swimming hole and we were so glad that we only had one week left until school was over for the summer. We were going to spend most of our summer here just hanging out.


Not edited. Sorry I've been really busy school and all and I just got my license. Only one week until finals and then one week after that until summer break! hopefully I will be able to update more over the summer but I will be supper busy with vacation, two different summer 4-day retreats/trainings, & band camp.





Cassie <3

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