Chapter 2

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So okay I'm in a play and it's "You're a Good Man Charlie Brown".

I'm the little red headed girl whose his crush.


Niall; how's that bad livv boo? O.e

Me; just how it is.. *pats shoulder*

Niall; weirdo

Me; I know so shut yo face *bitchslap*

Niall: owies... *cries in corner*


What just happened I don't even.

The song in this chapter is Invisible by Skyler Grey... It's really heartbreaking to listen to.

Anywahs... Enjoy xx


Aria POV

The day drags on by, the following my schedule:

First period: Math. Made fun of for hair color. Paper throws at head.

Second period: Biology. Someone throws a piece of crumbled paper at my head. On it is a drawing of a hippo with my face on it, with the word "FAT" underneath.

Third period: American Studies. Got told that I was never good enough. Got wrong answer, everyone laughed.

Fourth period: Lunch. Sat alone in the darkest back corner. Got a paper bag thrown at me and chocolate milk poured on my head.

Fifth period: Reading. Skipped class, spent it cleaning self up. No torture.

Sixth period: Study Hall. Actually got left alone. Peaceful.

Seventh period: LA. Someone wrote nasty words about me on the board. Teacher did nothing but laugh at it too.

Eighth period: Chorus. Sang my heart out. Got told I suck and should go die.

School ends.

Pleasant day, isn't it?

Too bad this happens everyday.

"Hey Aria..."

I turn around, watching Cassie with bored eyes.


"Go die."

I blink. I've been told this before but... Not so seriously. Her expression was cold and hard. She actually wanted me gone from this world. She hated me that much, that she had expressed it to me.

That's different than the usual. Most people say it to me, than laugh and tell me they were kidding. Or their expressions did. But Cassie sincerely meant it.

The girl just hated me with her heart and soul, and I don't even know why.

How sad.

"So you get your wish of me never existing?"

She snorted. "I heard you were a mistake, and that's just right. You were!" Cassie cackled, before swiftly turning around and walking out the doors. Her laughter echoed in the halls and rung in my ears.

Whatever. Bitches like that should jump in front of a car.

I step out the doors and notice that Dani wasn't here. Great. I had to walk home now!

Aria Peazer is not a diva... But frankly she'll turn into one if she has to walk home in the rain.

And so I ran.

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