I quickly pulled the scarf that had just been lying on my shoulders over my hair as Nasir entered the room. I'm a very shy person. Granted he's my husband, but there was little between us to vouch for that; except for my four year old son that is. There was no kindness, no love, and no comfort between us. We were just two people living under the same roof.
Well I was living under his roof. He never let me forget that. Neither did his mother or mine for that matter.
"The minister I've been trying to score a contract under is coming to the house tomorrow, with his wife and their young son. So Amir stays home tomorrow"
"What?" I asked my voice echoing disappointment.
"The minister and his family have an afternoon flight to catch so they're coming over around 10 am to discuss, in our home" he went into details not caring about what I had to say. "I need you to prepare a variety of dishes for their arrival"
We could just order take out. I thought bitterly but said nothing to him
"I want Amir to stay at home and provide company to their son" he added before turning around to leave her room. Well his room that he let me occupy.
"But Nasir," I began talking and he turned back around, disinterest evident on his face. "Amir's class is going on an excursion tomorrow. He's really looking forward to it and-" I stopped when his phone started ringing and he put his hand up to interrupt what I was saying. He answered the call and whatever it was about, made him upset so when he hung up, he faced me, his small eyes bloodshot then said; "We have nothing to talk about" then walked out the room. He was a man of about 5 feet 8, just an inch taller than me. He was dark skinned unlike my son and I and his build was lean. Physically; he didn't look threatening, he looks innocent even but inside of him was a monster.
People say marriage is a partnership where both partners have a say in how their affairs are conducted?
Those people are idiots.
"Ma!" came a scream from behind me. I turned around a smile already placed on my face. The soaking wet boy whose clothes were now brown and dripping on the kitchen floor because of his 'adventures' outside did not displace that smile.
"What game were you playing today?" I dropped the knife I was using a moment ago on the counter and pushed it to the middle where I was sure Amir couldn't reach before resting my elbows on the counter, ready to listen to this new tale.
As he narrated his tale, all I could do was stare at how his mouth opened and closed in fast pace as he narrated his tale. How his little head bobbled from side to side in excitement and his hands shot up in the air to demonstrate, adding to the details of the story.
All I could see was myself in him; he was doe eyed just like me; that small mouth that could go on and on all day, the exaggeration as he made every insignificant detail seem so important. And most importantly I didn't have to look in the mirror to see the expression on my face. The expression he brought out of me. The same one I used to see on my father's face; of delight and love. I thought I would never see that expression again. Thought it was buried with my father and just like him gone forever. But with my son I found out it wasn't; and for that I was grateful.
Alhamdulillah. I thanked God inside me. This boy was the greatest gift God gave me and as cliché as it might sound; he was the only reason I woke up in the morning.
Speaking of waking up in the morning...
"Ma you'll make me those sandwiches ba?" he flashed that smile displaying his array of white tiny teeth. The devil. He knew I couldn't resist that smile
"What?" the corner of my lips lifted, my own smile threatening to appear. His was so infectious.
"Tomorrow is my class excursion and you promised to make sandwiches for the whole class"
Oh God, how could I forget about that? I began chastising myself then remembered he wouldn't even be going on the trip. I had bad news to break to him and by God I was not looking forward to his tears.
I bent down and lifted him up from the floor onto the marble kitchen top before I began talking. "You know how dad's guests are very important?"
He nodded his eyes wandering somewhere else his tiny mind already bored.
"Well some of them are coming home tomorrow morning and there's going to be a friend for you too" I tried to sound excited. Again he nodded; his eyes stuck on something, his attention was most likely stuck there too.
"So..." I continued, "Daddy said you should stay from school and meet your new friend"
"But tomorrow is my class excursion"
"I'm sorry Amir. Daddy said you can't go to school tomorrow"
His eyes instantly filled up and I looked away.
"But Ma I want to go" he began sobbing pulling on the sleeves of my dress. "Ma please" and he was full on crying now
I felt him lean into my stomach placing his head there and in seconds I could feel his tears on my stomach.
"Ok stop crying" I lifted his head off of me and wiped his tears with my palm. "I'll speak to daddy. You're going to go to school tomorrow. I promise. Now stop crying"
I hugged him and sent him off to change into his pajamas before I resumed my work.
Now, how on earth will I complete that task?

Last Tears
SpiritualMaheen's life has never been awesome. But it wasn't all terrible either. What happens when all that Maheen cares about is snatched from her fingers and she has no one to turn to. Akram's life is as smooth as it could be. If you ignore the constant...