Chapter 3

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"Welcome" I heard in Nasir's friendly voice which only comes out once in a millennium. I hurried out into the hallway to welcome his guests and found myself at the woman's side.

"Welcome to our home" I smiled at her and she returned the smile. She looked either in her late 40's or early 50's. There was a motherly kindness to her. I looked down to find a shy little boy hiding behind his mother. He looked older than my Amir.

"Hi, what's your name?" I smiled at him


"Nice to meet you"

"Your home is beautiful" the minister's wife said to me as Nasir and I led them into the living room. I went into the kitchen and brought out drinks and snacks.

"What's your name?" the wife asked me

"Maheen" I answered

"That's a unique name"

"Thank you"

Just then Nasir interrupted us ushered his guests to the dining table for an early lunch saying since they had to be on a long flight. The family was very appreciative of the gesture.

"Where's Amir?" Nasir spoke to me for the first time, "You haven't introduced him to his new friend"

"Well Amir went to school" I answered avoiding eye contact.

"That's quite unfortunate. Our Abu would have loved to meet him" the minister spoke

"But its alright" his wife spoke up, "He shouldn't miss school just because of Abu. They'll meet some other time"

And with that the topic was dropped but I could still feel Nasir's anger radiating. He was just doing a good job at masking it but I knew the minute our guests are out the door he's going to explode.

I can't wait

When our guests were done, the minister invited Nasir to come with them to the airport so they could discuss more business on the way. Apparently he was going to award Nasir the contract. This is typically the point where as a good wife I express my happiness for him.


I was happy though when they left the house together. It meant I had more time to be happy before the inevitable anger came. That was the thing with Nasir. Even this piece of good news wouldn't stop him from insulting me. He would never lose the opportunity to make me feel small. It was all worth it for Amir though. I always harbor the dreams of when Amir grows up; he'll put an end to this. He's going to stand up to his father and protect me from him. But until then I can endure whatever just for him.


I decided to go grocery shopping taking the opportunity of Nasir's absence.

"Assalamu Alaikum" I said as I pressed the green button and held the cellphone to my ear.

"Maheen. I have a lot of work and your sister needs someone to drive her to her saloon appointment and to pick up her dress. You know her friend's getting married; Come over" my mum instructed

Well hello there mom. I'm doing fine thanks for asking. So is my son, we're both fine, all praises due to the lord.

"As much as I'd love to drive my sister around town" I rolled my eyes, "I have a lot of things to do"

"I'm not asking maheen" My mum reprimanded me and then I heard my darling sister's voice "What other things does she have to do, it's not like she has much of a life"

Well I love you too sis.

"Amir is almost back home, I have to go get his lunch ready" I provided

"Don't you have maids, I'm sure they wouldn't mind looking after your son for a few hours until you get back"

"No maid touches my son and you know that"

Unlike some people I actually take joy in running after my child.

"She's obsessed with that boy" My younger sister said again.

"Aisha. I hope you know I can hear you"

"It doesn't matter. She's saying the truth, you're obsessed with that boy Maheen"

That boy is your grandson Ma. It'll be nice if you called his name once in a while.

"I can't drive you around Aisha" I said my voice echoing a tad bit of my pent up frustration for my mother and sister "I have better  things to do" but left out the better out of my sentence

"If you are always there for that boy he's going to become spoilt" My sister continued

"Yeah. We wouldn't want that to happen" I said amusedly

"You have to start disciplining that boy. He's spoilt" my mother contributed

"How would you people even know, you're never around him" I asked an amused smile on my face

"I know he's spoilt" My mom declared.

"Alright then" I said shaking my head.

"Get a life" my sister said and I only rolled my eyes.

"I need to go. There's a boy waiting to be disciplined at home" I said, "Bye" and ended the call

My mom and sister's words never affected or disturbed me. Just like with Nasir, I had learnt to not pay heed to what they had to say about everything.

Isn't my life just full of awesome people? i thought to myself as I paid for what I bought and walked out the store. I got into my car driving faster than usual knowing Amir would be waiting for me already.

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