Pronunciations and Meanings
Cherokee Pronunciation Meaning
Adawehi (a-duh-whey-hee) Wise man
Ale galieligauyohusv (Al-a gal-A-leeg-ah oo-yo-hu-soo) I am glad you are not dead
Uwoduhi Atsilvsgv (Oo-oh-doo-hee Ats-il-us-gu) Beautiful Blossom
Saquu Alihelisdi (Sa-koo Ali-heel-ish-dee) One that is Happy
Agayvli Saquu (Aguyulee Saku) Old One
Unitsi (Oo-nee-tsee) Mother
Tsulitsvyasdi Tawodi (Tsoo-lie-etsu-yas-dee Taw-o-dee) Brave Hawk
Adadoda (Ad-ad-oda) Father
Unalii (Oo-nal-ee-ee) Friend
Uwoduhi Main character, daughter of a Cherokee Chief
Tsuli Uwoduhi’s fourteen-year-old brother
Saquu Uwoduhi’s three-year-old sister
Agayvli Saquu An elder from the Long Hair Clan
Unalii Uwoduhi’s Cousin
John A military translator
Soldiers Militia men that rounded up the Cherokee and marched them
Nunna daul Isunyi (The Trail of Tears)
Historical FictionNunna daul Isunyi means "The Trail of Tears" in Cherokee... A young girl and her brother find themselves being herded across the country; they are afraid, but through their fear they learn to stay close and to love.