Chapter 2: We're going on a trip!

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"What?!" Lukas exclaimed as he opened the door to see Mathias dressed in winter attire.
"We're going on a trip!" he lunged at Lukas and pulled him into a tight hug.
"Get the hell of me idiot!" he attempted to get Mathias of him.
"-And I never agreed to go on a trip, and where are we going anyway?"
"On a ski holiday of course!" Mathias gestured to a car loaded with skis.
"Fine, I'll go pack," Lukas grunted as he turned to go up the stairs.
"Emil go pack!" he shouted.
Emil walked out of the living room and climbed slowly up the stairs.

They hauled their suitcases into the back of Mathias' car then climbed in.
"Where exactly are we going?" Lukas questioned.
"Canada!" Mathias reversed out of the driveway and began to drive down the snowy streets. He turned on the radio then started dancing and singing,
"Concentrate on driving idiot!" Lukas hit Mathias on the head.
"Ouch, fine," he pouted and carried on driving.

After a few hours of Lukas and Mathias occasionally arguing and Emil then telling them to shut up, they arrived at a large log cabin that was surrounded by dense forestation and lots of snow.
"We're here!" Mathias shouted as he jumped out of the vehicle.
"Don't be so loud!" Lukas complained as he also got out of the car.
"We're in the middle of nowhere no one's gonna hear!" he shouted back whilst trying to unlock the cabin door.
"What if there's a serial killer hiding in the trees," Emil smirked as he slipped out of the car.
"There aren't any serial killers around here," Mathias pushed the door violently open and strolled inside, Lukas and Emil following him.
He reached for the light switch and pressed it a few times but the light didn't respond.
"Urgh the electricity's down,"
"We could light a fire?" Lukas pointed to a wood burning stove which had some logs placed neatly by the side.
"Ok but what about tv and stuff like the oven?"
"We can fix the electric tomorrow,"
"Ok," Mathias sighed and fell back on the large sofa,
"But you have to light the fire"
Emil also took a seat on the couch and took out his phone, unfortunately there was no service.
Lukas threw some logs in the hearth then lit a match and threw that in after then crackling flames began to form.
"I'm so hungry!" Mathias walked to the kitchen and pulled open the fridge doors to find desolate shelves.
"Aw there's no food,"
"We passed tons of stores on the way here why didn't you think of buying stuff then," Lukas said in an annoyed tone.
"I forgot," Mathias moaned in reply.
"Well-" Lukas was interrupted by multiple loud thuds on the door.
"Who's there?" Mathias called out but the banging just continued.
Lukas clutched Mathias' hand then he realised what he was doing and pulled away but not before Mathias could smirk.
Emil walked casually to the door and flung it open to reveal the two shivering figures of Gilbert and Alfred.
"Oh yeah i forgot, i invited these two!" he chuckled whilst Lukas gave him a death stare.
"I brought Mc Donalds," Alfred held up a few bags of food then flung them at Lukas, Mathias and Emil.
"Foooooood!" Mathias yelled before ripping open the bag and stuffing fries in his mouth.

/time skip cause yeah/

Lukas was stuck in a room with Mathias, Gilbert and Alfred were in a room together and Emil had claimed a room of his own.

Lukas and Mathias both walked into their room to see there was only one bed.
'SH*T SH*T SH*T!' Lukas mouthed.
"I'll go sleep on the couch..." Lukas turned to walk out but a strong hand pulled him back.
"No no, you're sleeping with me!" Mathias smirked a little then threw him onto the bed.

Lukas woke up to find himself clinging to Mathias, he scanned the sleeping body beside him to find he was in his underwear.
"Wtf did we do last night?!" Lukas shouted, waking Mathias up.
He then looked at himself to find he was still dressed, he sighed a sigh of relief then got up off the bed.

Lukas went downstairs to see Emil sitting on the couch on his phone next to Gilbert, and Alfred was still asleep upstairs.
He smirked to himself then slowly walked over to his brother, he wrapped his hands around his neck and whispered 'hi' seductively into his ear. This made the oblivious Emil to jump out of his seat and scream 'Wtf!'.
He turned around to see Lukas with a slight grin.
"F*ck off..." Emil grumbled, then continued to play Mortal Kombat on his phone.
Lukas shrieked as two arms slivered around his waist, he spun around to see Mathias with a smug grin spread across his face.

Lukas and Mathias trudged through thick layers of snow to the cabin which contained generator, this cabin was a bit deeper into the woods. As they fixed the generator Mathias could not help but to stare at Lukas' butt, it was just goals to him.

Shortly after fixing the generator, they arrived back to see Emil, Alfred and Gilbert eating poptarts.
Lukas decided to snack on a stick of butter and Mathias took a brownie flavoured poptart.

Lukas slipped in to Emil's room and rummaged through his suitcase until he found a large scrapbook, he opened it to find pictures of him and Mathias, there were love hearts around them and written all over the pages was 'Lukas x Mathias' and 'otp'.
He placed the book back, disturbed, he ran out of the room. Still in a state of shock, he ran into Mathias. Lukas looked up and blushed dark red at the sight of his adorable gravity defying blonde hair, his shimmering blue eyes and a tint of red covering his cheeks.
"S-sorry..." Lukas stuttered for the first time in his life.
Mathias' growing grin just made him blush harder.
Lukas ran off to the bathroom then slammed and locked the door.
"What just happened..." Lukas thought aloud.

Omg sorry for taking ages to update anyways i've been wanting to say this for a while; We're going on a trip in our favourite rocket ship! XD Anyways i'll update whenever i update yeah.

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